Humanity - One Love, One Heart.
While it is easy to speak about 'humanity' it's very difficult to bring it into practice. Being human is a given thing, but Practicing humanity is a 'choice' and this choice must be instilled by the teachers. Thus, HEMA Foundation appeals the institutions to spread the value of 'humanity' among children.
?Here I have made a humble attempt to integrate the value of humanity with three academic subjects: Science, Maths and English.
?In Science, the value of humanity can be integrated through the topic 'good & bad conductors of electricity. What are these conductors?
?Conductors are the mediums that allow electricity to flow through it. It enables transfer of electric ions from one terminal to another. Metals like silver and copper are good conductors of electricity while carbon, wood, etc are bad conductors of electricity. Likewise, humanity is an electric circuit, it's a good conductor and all the ions that are moving through them are different values like gratitude, mercy, love, compassion, empathy, kindness that are flowing through the human being. The heart of the human being is the first terminal that allows the flow of love, kindness, happiness through their behaviour to other terminals (people), so that they get the required electricity to light up. While teaching this topic, teachers must teach the students to be good conductors of humanity. If they turn out to be a bad conductor of humanity by not carrying values like love or compassion, the terminal will be broken and the relationship and humanity will cease to exist. Thus, children should be encouraged to become good conductors of electricity that lights up the world, thereby bringing smiles to people.
?In Mathematics, a straight line is a combination of several dots with no beginning and end extending to infinity. When another segment intersects the straight line, an angle is created.
?I refer this straight line to humanity and each value like gratitude, kindness, compassion, mercy, love as small dots on the infinite line of humanity. Consider human beings as a segment, when a human being touches any particular point on the line an angle or vertex is created. A vertex of kindness, a vertex of gratitude, a vertex of empathy and so on. Putting all together one becomes a human being whose vertices are all equal to 180°. Students can be asked to consider themselves as a straight infinite line of humanity with several vertices and all these vertices make several connections with other human segments as they interact. They should be encouraged to be at an open angle of 180° and receive people with warmth, compassion and acceptance.
?In English, the value of humanity can be integrated through pleasantries like "thank you," "I appreciate it," "I stand in gratitude," "you made my day," "I can't thank you enough."
?The several expressions of the word "thank you" are important to be taught to students. While teaching pleasantries, teachers must make students aware that while saying 'thank you' they are touching several touch points (values) like love, compassion, empathy, sympathy, kindness. When students utter words like "I appreciate it," "thankyou enough," "I stand in gratitude," they are travelling on the line of humanity touching each point at every moment and time. This leads to a formation of a very strong relationship with the significant other and humanity as a whole.
?The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to mass impact on every individual's mental health. Thus, students must be encouraged to be responsive towards human emotions, particularly humanity. Because, humanity is like an electric wire, the connectivity, one love, one heart.
?"All the 48 short films designed and developed by HEMA Foundation are based on each value and all those values in sum total stand for this single value - Humanity."
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