HUMANITY - Be A GOOD "People"? !!!

HUMANITY - Be A GOOD "People" !!!


Is that a Trick Question? YES! Of course, they do . . .

OMG !! - please help me to understand WHY anyone wants to hurt someone else who is not hurting them???



Modern humans - descended as the prodigy of Adam and Eve (see Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, Africa) - were BLACK!

How do we know this? Well, let's look at some SCIENCE, perhaps / along with the cross-reference of the HOLY BIBLE:

(1) World-famous anthropologists Andrew and Mary Leaky discovered the skeleton of the world's oldest female (Eve or one of her daughters) in the Garden of Eden (Ngorongoro Crater - Tanzania, Africa)*. *PLEASE FACT-CHECK ME HERE.

(2) Tanzania (Eastern African country - 1 of the 54 African nations) is near the Equator where the Earth "bulges" closest to the SUN (our local star). At this proximity to the Sun (Sol), it is necessary to have additional skin pigmentation to prevent severe sun-burns and the onset of early skin cancers (melanoma)*. *Fact-check me here again, please.

(3) As humans started to spread out from Tanzania in Eastern Africa, they moved in both northerly and southerly directions and AWAY from the Equatorial zone of Planet Earth.

(4) Whereas it is advantageous to have more skin-pigmentation when living on Earth in a nearer-Sol location (see also the aborigine people of Australia), this need diminishes away from the Equator. AND, a BLACK person against the white parts of the Arctic regions of Planet Earth would make an easily-snackable-person for a polar bear who was tired of seal meat and wanted less fat in his/her diet.

(5) Humans started BLACK and evolved to adapt to their local environments (many)!

{See the book of THE SNEETCHES by Dr. Suess!}

Other books on tolerance by Theodor Geisel are similarly appropriate.

(6) Further proof? Does anyone develop darker skin when more exposed to Sol or artificial lighting = SUN TAN?

I DO !!!

[ MORAL OF THE STORY: Get OVER It - People Are People, Are PEOPLE = Are Mammals! ]


And, THEREFORE, we MUST conclude that EITHER:

a) ALL lives Matter . . .


b) NONE DO!!!

NOW . . . You Choose! OR . . . DO YOU EVEN MATTER??? I'm pretty sure that I don't matter to most anyone. Oh well . . . .

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EAT, PRAY, LOVE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++


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