Once an utter nonsense genius said, “once you overcome your fear and you’re way past seeking permission of doing something right, that day you will realize your worth in your life and others life too”.

Well that utter nonsense genius is me and I love when I think that I am a good human being because we know at the moment good human being are on the verge of extinction but to be very honest, till the day you will think that you are a good human being and an absolute maverick, till that day the good deeds will be counted by god. God will count every good deed performed by you because in your mind may be you’re the best person but if you clean your eyes and witness the reality may be you’ll be disappointed by the result.

The most absurd thing that any of us can do is completely ignoring someone who really needs our help. Remember when someone asks for help from you it means god have sent someone to give you a chance to become a better human being.

Humanity means serving humankind to adorn the present and cherishing it for a lifetime so it can blossom wonderful future. To make it very simple, we need to create a society that only believes in positivity and doing good deeds.

"Remember someone have to start the flag bearing process of humanity so that it would unfurled till the eternity".



