Humanity is Being Tested
There appears to be some kind of conflagration on many levels presently occurring, and also a kind of crossroads in the history and evolution of humankind and of the planet itself. A choice of how the world and its people are to be governed. But, so much more. In fact, what is to be considered as right and what wrong; what is good and what is bad; what is just and fair and what isn’t and so on. Are we to look upon all human beings as equal participants in this journey or will we continue to create some kind of “other” who is to blame, some kind of bad, immoral other, and thus allow our basic primitive natures to flourish? ?Major moral issues are at stake now!
We appear to be at a major crisis in our evolution and what is presumed in our positive progress. And it seems like God, the universe, the planet, and our own consciousness as well is testing us. So, it is not only a human, material issue, but a spiritual issue as well. To this latter point, I would point to the desire amongst many to create a Christian Nationalist State run by some biblical interpretation of truth and goodness, and deny respect and toleration for religious diversity.
This is only one of the many issues being discussed, argued and fought over. Truth itself is up for grabs. Facts, certainly! A means for most of us accepting a consensual reality is in danger. A reality that most of us abide by is being tested and refuted. For example: History is being revised and re-written. Books are being banned. Certain subjects of life are being censored and denied exposure. People’s basic human rights, of free speech and peaceful protest and even control of one’s own body is being eliminated and criminalized. Basic authoritarian actions – denial and fabrication on one hand and the castigation of certain ideas, thoughts and activities and groups on the other.
There is much more on the line whether we as a species will continue to progress in all fields of life and endeavors or go backwards in a reactionary furor denying the present reality and the progressive changes that have been made – Feminism and women’s rights including control of? their bodies; the respect and dignity toward all races, religions and people; the acceptance of gender and sexual roles; facing our nation’s past and present limitations and errors, and the total denial of any wrong committed. The basic equality of all beings is under attack and revision.
Violence versus peace is also in the mix of challenges facing us. Gun ownership and the elimination of any safeguards; diplomacy versus the use of force; one human family or hatred and intolerance towards other groups; the punitive attitude toward people in prison versus an enlightened, rehabilitative attitude – one of education and training; the same re: drug and alcohol abuse and addiction - the need for treatment rather than incarceration.; Continuation of the death penalty or its eradication.
There is much at stake. We all need to be aware and to realize the present reality – to wake up to the present dangers, and do what one can to pray, think and work for the good, the beautiful, the true, the harmonious and the peaceful in life and in oneself.
We are being tested and pressured – a time of growth or decay.