Be A Humanitarian by Ricardo Derose || Official Lyrics Video || Derose Entertainment LLC.

Be A Humanitarian by Ricardo Derose || Official Lyrics Video || Derose Entertainment LLC.

Be A Humanitarian by Ricardo Derose || Official Lyrics Video || Derose Entertainment LLC.

Lyrics Video, by Annie C. Derose - Come and sing with us!

The song "Be A Humanitarian," written by Ricardo Derose, also known as Ricky Derose, is a powerful call to action to help those in need. With vocals by a range of talented artists, including Eric Roberson, Angela Johnson, and Ricky Derose himself, the song highlights the importance of compassion and kindness towards others, especially those facing difficult circumstances.

The lyrics vividly depict the suffering and hardships many worldwide faces, including poverty, homelessness, and natural disasters. The song calls on listeners to take action, no matter how small, to make a difference in the lives of others.

The song's message is clear: we are all part of the same world and must help each other create a better future. Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can offer hope and support to those in need and impact the world.

In addition to its powerful message, the song is also a testament to the talent and creativity of Ricardo Derose and the other artists involved in its production. The music is expertly arranged and produced, with each vocalist bringing a unique style and energy to the song.

Overall, "Be A Humanitarian" is a moving and inspiring song that reminds us of the power of compassion and the importance of helping others. Its call to action reminds us that we can all make a difference in the world and that even small acts of kindness can profoundly impact the lives of those around us.

Ricky Derose Featuring New York All Stars - Be A Humanitarian:

In this powerful video, Ricardo Derose highlights the importance of being a humanitarian. And asks us to reflect on what it means to be human.

By sharing this video, Ricky calls on us to do more than feel sorry for ourselves - he's asking us to act and compassionately help others in need. Will you join him in this important call to action?,,

Be a Humanitarian

Lyrics and Melody by Ricardo Derose.

Music Production and Arrangements by Steve Wallace

Lead Vocalists (In order of appearance): Abby Dobson, Darien, Shae Fiol, Angela Johnson, Eric Roberson, Mahasin, Kelli Sae, Ricky Derose, Viviane Rangon, Honey Larochelle, Steve Wallace, Marlon Saunders, Maritri, Shelly Nicole (of Blackbushe), Chandlar, Gordon Chambers, Monet, Maya Azucena, and Chester Gregory

Flute: Monet, Guitar: Rudolph Vernaz-Colas, Violins: Queen Rose, All other instruments: Steve Wallace. With a chorus of many of these and over 25 others.

Be A Humanitarian:(By Ricardo Derose)

It all happened so fast; they didn't have a chance

to go and say goodbye to their loved ones or friends

so many people die, leaving the rest hopeless

with no water, no food, and most of them homeless

as children of the earth, it's time to show kindness

help your brothers in need is offering human-ness

donating what you can, can never be senseless

at this stage, all is useful, even a few cents


Our fathers are missing

Our mothers are grieving

Brothers and sisters are orphans

we are part of the same world, so let's please give them a chance.

Look at all of them starving

lend a hand before it's too late

We can help them make it

we just have to unite then we can free them overnight.


No matter how small you donate

the lives of thousands you will save

together we can make a difference

Be A Humanitarian

help your brother who needs a hand

Look at those children drying

listen to their mothers crying

together we can make a difference

Be A Humanitarian

Help your brethren

It's sad but true to know that life is so fragile

the way that death hits us sometimes is so hostile

today's their turn, tomorrow might be yours or mine

and no one knows how's gonna be the next in line

as long as you're alive, my friend, don't stop giving

help the less fortunate is showing that you're caring

give them the light of hope, to help them heal their pain

United, we should stand and give the best we can.

All Rights Reserved to Derose Entertainment, LLC - BMI 2010

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