Humanitarian, Economic and Environmental Challenges for the world and our country: our role to face those challenges

Humanitarian, Economic and Environmental Challenges for the world and our country: our role to face those challenges


Coming out from the cave and jungle, men made the civilization (!) but after building the civilization we have been failed to ensure the proper distribution of the wealth among the population of the earth. Thus, we have created two parties that are: Have and Have not. That’s why one is ruling and the other is being ruled. Have- who are controlling the significant amount of the wealth of this earth. And Have not- are being controlled due to the scarcity of the resources he lost or he did not own. A popular Statistics says, 99% of wealth are owned by 1% people and rest 99% of the people only own 1% wealth of the world.

Hence, who are responsible for this situation and the problem we are facing today? Since the majority people are deprived and these people are not given required facilities, inadvertently they are creating sundry of problems, though this is also partially accurate that all the problems are created by these major parts of the population. So, there is a wrong system developed in the underground.


If we closely quest our world leaders and their way of direction, we will see an envious, war-hawk policy they have taken. They preach nationalism, hatred among the nations that’s why War is always a communal thing in our human world. Here, still in this century, human killing weapon is the giant business contributor. Around the world Human Disaster are increasing day to day. What is happening yearlong in the Africa, Middle East and recently in Myanmar. Capitalist country taking their position against humanity. That’s why Country like China and Russia who claim that they are the frontier of socialist movement become silent in the Myanmar mass killing of Rohingya people. And when we dig down the issue, we find there is a vast business plan every country who support this kind of mass killing and inhuman work.

In our Sub-continent and our country, we always follow the monarch country. Capitalism grows here arrogantly. Every year we heard about our GDP growth but still there are lots of people living under poverty line, lots of people do still search their basic needs. Social Economic Class C, D and E (middle and Lower middle class) is still struggling on having Nutritious foods, Healthy Habitations, proper Sanitation, Education and proper treatment.

Unemployment in our country is one of the big curses. Labor class are not being paid well that’s why they do not have a standard of living. Our Economy’s biggest contributors are RMG and Foreign Remittance; both sectors are unstructured and fragile in nature. Labors of these sectors amortizing their selves for securing their bread and butter continuously.

Now Bangladesh is facing the crisis period of true political, Cultural and social worker leaders. Some are in number who really think and doing their good work continue but they are very little in number. You will find very few intellectual working and writing about humanity and ultimate goodness of the country. To whom people will follow? All our religions talk about humanity, good work, respect other religion people. In our country, we are living Muslims, Hindu, Buddist, Christians and many other tribes thousands of years together. So, liberal living is inherent from the beginning of our birth But some people preach racism which sometimes lead to religious contradiction, shedding bloods and tears among peace loving people. Many of our religious leader preach racism openly in our religious organizations not the humanity of the religion. All the prophet was the great revolutionist and very good social worker at their time but our most of the Mawlana do not preach that but the unwanted Jihad, Women issue etc. However most of our people are peace loving, pious and want to live a good life.


Environment is deteriorating globally. Moreover, Bangladesh geographically is situated in a challenged position. Nature and Environment works and runs on its own way but people we are continuously hampering its naturalism. Carbon omission making our world more warmer and lower region like Bangladesh is gradually going under the sea water. Chittagong region, the vast business contributor of our country already is showing its global warming effect. Just consider last Ten years’ weather, the six-seasonal country is no more with its seasonal color. Temperature increasing day to day at summer season, flood is common in rainy season. Autumn, Late Autumn (Hemonto) and Spring are almost invisible in our seasons.

For an example, we can talk about Khatunganj, prominent business beauty of Chittagong, a very eminent area for our business where 40-50% 0f the consumer goods of the whole country are transacted and 800-1000 crore tk business transacted every day. But last few years Khatunganj is facing continuous flood for the sea level up. In every month khatunganj. Almost 50% of the places are being flooded every month. Occupying the the canal is the also a vital reason for this disaster. Businessman are thinking to shift their business and re-thinking about their future investment at Khatunganj. Lots of people are making their livelihood working that business area. So, this is very frightening situations for our country economy to lose a business filed like Khatunganj.

We human being are directly contaminating our water, occupying the canal, randomly Giving barrage to the river, polluting our air by creating smoke, using chemicals.  soil and other natural resources. Now this is clear to all the effects about open coal mining, Rampal power manufacture at Sundarban already grab the attention, Buriganga, Turag and other city rivers are deceased almost.


But it is still possible to save our rivers, save Sundarban and save the nature. Development is not prohibited. Yes! Development hinders the nature but it is also true that we can lessen much hamper, we can produce more environment friendly works in our establishments. Experts says only two years If we do not throw any wastage to Buriganga it will come back again with its youth. Only two seasons rainy water can change the river again! It is true that there is lots of problems, populous country like us to find an appropriate place to establish something. But side by side we must think about renewable power. We must ensure a sustainable place for our future generation.

As people elect government to decide so they should make proper policy for making the world more living worthy. Whatever we say about our leaders, they have the ultimate power and decide what will happen. The MPs are the ultimate law maker. The Govt. must to consider the future of the nation in the long run. Creating something quickly is less important than sustainability. Govt. should give more focus on sustainable development. As we are facing problem of power supply, govt. should concentrate on renewable power. Govt should understand that developed country is now thinking about their sustainable development. China, Japan and even India is closing open mining and coal directed electricity production, stops quick rental system then why we are creating same problems. Whereas It is very clear to us the damages and the bad impact of that old system.  

As India is not giving our water flow right, and breaking international river law in some of the river by creating barrage over and trying to do same thing on some other rivers, So Govt. should make more pressure in this issue. Bangladesh now must to give 360-degree pressure on this matter. Political Co-ordination is important in some national issues. Bangladesh is doing very good at recently happened Rohingya issue. Nationwide Unanimity developed regarding this issue and what was very crucial right this moment.


There is a trend in Bangladeshi people talking about others faults. What are we doing? What am I doing? No one is thinking about that! Am I doing my work properly? Am I being responsible at my work? Most of our answer will be negative because we do not think about it. Always we tries to give our problems to others shoulder. This is true the idleness is something created by our weather and climate But Men are the ultimate true who can do anything they believe. People can conquer the peak of the mountain and people can wins the ocean. People can live at desert and they can exist in Ice as well. Our country people obey all the rules at outside country which is almost unbelievable in our own country. At India, we saw people raise their strong voice against price hike, any social disruption or anything unethical. Whereas we cannot protest any issue of humanity break, we cannot raise our voice against corruption nationwide if not anything become viral at media.

We should protest and we should join in movement. Yes! that should be gently and that should be peacefully. We must talk with our elected leaders and make them more accountable what they commit before election. We need to be more organized and should create more platform to talk and pressure our leaders to become more responsible and liable.

Now a day’s social media creates a vast platform for general people to express their selves. People can easily post, share, like and comment from their own stand. Social media basically Facebook causes a great effect in Bangladesh. Anything can be viral here. Recently lots of cases solved by using this platform. People can post any of the problems they face, share others writing and leave their comment. Recently Sundarban issue got very much popular on Social Media. Lots of online activists spread news, online newspaper is also getting popular and really, it’s easy to reach anyone.

Educated citizen, University teachers, Students, Employees should come forward and raise their voice against all these odds. Ultimately If our environment dies today we human being do not exist in future. As men, have taken the power to control over all other species so human should be Human. Besides It should take care all other chain of the nature and environment. It is not only showing kindness to other species but also for the betterment of their own races.

Voice should be raised from the village also. Dhaka is not everything! Country people should believe this. Voices of Villages affect more and it is very much imperative for the sustainable development. There is no way of thinking without organization. Doing something collectively is stronger than doing something individually. Social, volunteer, cultural organization should be settled among the villages.


In our Village area, we are running Jaagroto Tarun. We are telling, we don’t have any personal interest but the social welfare. From Jaagroto Tarun, we are basically taking care of our village students. we established a library, Screen educative film in the village yard naming the project is ‘Cinemar feriwala’, free blood group testing naming the project ‘Jibon’, Drawing competition among the primary school going children and lots of works we are doing by using this platform. We have a project of tree plantation naming “Shamolayon”. Planting trees at school yards of our thana and making understand school going students about tree plantation. By arranging a debate competition at thana level, we are trying to sharpen our students voice as they believe the logic and make the society on logic. Educating our next generation and making more concern about their rights is the primary vision of our Organization. From our place, we understand by running this organization that if more likely organization can be established in every union of the country it would be really effects to society. If only our university students can take the lead and if they think about this at their own village obviously, it will deliver positive results to the country.

If the people can be educated in proper way, if they have given basic rights most of the immoral work shackling social structure will be disappeared and If people raise their voice communally about their rights, the digitization and the development will be productive on that time otherwise all the GDP growth, all the Development and all the good gears will go in vein.

Kazi Ibrahim Piash

Dec, 2017, Sylhet, Bangladesh


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