Humanism and Reforms

The Humanist movement had been changing gradually its moral fibre taking religion as it’s prime confrontation. Human reforms scaled in the mirth of religious sanctity imposed as the only solutions to any of the problem. Whereas, it is topic of making soldier to for religious bodies against the other. All energies were mainly absorbed in a kind of religious war against the other religion. This war, in which only the humanists themselves took any great interest, was waged by them on two fronts. They set out, on the one hand, to expose the absurdities of other religion theology and, on the other, to demonstrate historically that religious belief, in general, had been a source of more misery than happiness and especially that the rival religion as political social forces, was an obstacle to human enlightenment and progress. 

If the teaching of the Buddha was democratic, then democracy is not an invention of the West – as the manner in which Dr. Ambedkar drew his inspiration from so many European and American scholars and leaders suggested -, but it’s a product of the Indian history.

                                                                                                   Christophe Jaffrelot.

There are various reasons why these aims no longer are seen so important. Theological questions have ceased to excite the interest which they did in the fifteenth century in India. There are no new arguments; at the most, an occasional attempt, on the Christian side, to find a new way to reconcile religion with science. Flyspecking their own parts called defensive measures were taken. When theological writers defend religious doctrines on the ground that they useful myths, the humanist who campaigns in the old terms finds himself attacking a man of straw. England called a Christian country, invading other parts globally spread Christianity to the maximum number of countries. Discrimination of Christianity was well visible in racialism. Also, it has four classes Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, and Oriental.

 If the teaching you may call me agonistic, but, I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional aesthetic whose fervour is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in the youth. I prefer on attitude of ability corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being                           

Albert Einstein

Humanism is made a base of religion normally postulates some absolute beliefs. These involve some ethical rules not completely relativistic and believer in the rational inquiry. Comparative to other religion Buddhism is the only religion which is not in the circle of vengeance with other religion. Buddhism is the Western name for the doctrine propounded by Siddhartha (Gautama) in the fifth century BCE in India. The 'Buddha' means 'awakened' or 'enlightened'.

This is not to say that religious battle has been entirely won, since the behavioral criteria of the measurement of belief, we can indeed conclude that the percentage of religious believers’ amoung the English, Muslims and Hindu Population is relatively small. Nevertheless, the official doctrine is still that England is a Christian country.

I have a problem with indoctrinating Children with Children, I mean religion you have to be a certain age to drive, to drink, to vote, to marry. I think you should be an adult before you choose your religion as said by Ms. Lieghann Lord.

Humanistic Religious Association was formed in 1853 in London. This early group was democratically organised, with male and female members participating in the election of the leadership and promoted knowledge of the sciences, philosophy and the arts. Democratically which if opened in details is a peaceful way for a group of any size to settle the argument or make decisions. It is simply a mechanism for enabling everyone to be involved in the decision-making process, which gives the decisions binding legitimacy. Modern world democracy first evolved in Britain and France, but, that was restricted to their jurisdiction only, they did not enforce the practice in else anywhere there forces are used to capture the country.

The peaceful ethics of democracy was handed over to the kings for controlling Economy of the state. Kings used inhuman practice. Britishers were well aware of the aspect and scrolled out the Humanistic Religious Association, formed in London, where Kings used religion a weapon to destroy Humanism.

.It is made a legal requirement that religious instruction is given in all maintained schools and that the daily Assembly should involve a corporate act of worship. Admittedly the interpretation of this law is in pro-actively very rigorous, but I fear that any attempt to abolish it would raise a political storm which would be out of all proportion to the part that religion does actually play in people’s lives. The official doctrine is also upheld by those who control the media of mass communication. Agnostics are very far from being muzzled, but they do not as yet receive an equal opportunity to state their case. There has been no indication since that the Media too was made convinced on atrocities on humanists as wishes of religion. The Karma and caste in Hinduism, Racial discrimination western world, bonded labours, division in Muslim. Humans requiring the right to live and freedom of speech were not taken in any substantial part in the religious discussion which promotes so frequently both on the wireless and on television. All the same, this is a minor grievance. The Humanist Association could hardly justify its existence if it had no greater function.  

Standing in between religious faith and Innovation, innovation won. Education overwhelmed the restricted life of bondage. It is seen after World War II, when all the major Economically healthy countries, who realised their weakness and It can be argued that this only one part of a wider education campaign which it is still necessary to conduct. Even so, the fact is that the major issue now lie in a different terrain. With the decline in the importance of the religious question, the main interest of the humanist movement is moving into the field of social reform. There is logical as well as a historical reason for this. In one sense, humanism is a harsh doctrine. To insist that life has only the meaning that one succeeds in giving it, that we have only this short amount of time to experience any happiness or accomplish anything of value, is all very well for people who are living in easy circumstances and have been given the opportunity to develop intellectual and cultural interests. First, those who are ignorant, helpless, and immaterially wanted, it is small consolation to be told only that their miseries will end with death; and throughout history, the majority of human beings have been in this condition. It would, there, be insensitive if not hypocritical for humanists to preach their doctrine unless they believed that the values which they set on human experience and achievement were a privileged minority but by mankind in general. Even if they cannot be assured that this will ever be so, they at least have the moral obligation to do what they can to make it possible.

The consequence, politically, it that a humanist is likely to be a man of the left. It may be thought unfair to the present-day Conservative party to assume that it careless than its rivals for the welfare of the people as a whole, but, fairly or not, it still carries the aura of the Dictum is opened as the world is civilised. A revolting principle, looking for reformation. There is only the malice and malignity of the heart of the satisfied in this principle, and the interest is opposed to it. Leave it, Annoyance! Let it be done! Let go, which should be the motto of all public power, since the world has been civilized. It is a detestable principle of those who want to enlarge by the abasement of our neighbours are the wicked and the spiteful heart, who are well accomplished by this principle and its interest is opposed. Asked to get bent -- Alas. 

The emphasis on private initiative, the plea that the labourer should be worthy of his hire, exert their appeal. But the suspicion remains that they cover a willingness to let the weakest go to the wall. In contrast, the Labour Party has always stood, in its own eyes and to a very large extent in the eyes o the general public, for social equality and justice. In 1945 these professions were honoured to a degree which has since been underrated. What confidence can we have that this will happen again? The economic crisis is mastered by the government and is found completely unreliable put as an excuse to humanism. I credit it with the will to carry through its egalitarian policies with regard to such fundamental social problems as those of pensions and housing.

The problem of housing enters into the problem of race relation, caste, religion, It is rather less optimistic about the immediate prospect of liberalising is the Law. State wise implementation of the law, enforcement, smuggling, where we found financial reduced humans lose the battle in Judicial Process. Dons rule the Law, overcoming every other crime and felony. In both instances and especially in that of the abortion of laws, a very strong case can be made for reform.

A revolution is required for Humanism and Social reforms by imposing Capitalism as it can only eventually by replaced by a socialist system and a classless society in which there is no exploitation or private property. The state will then provide work including everything one needs to live. The previously exploited masses or proletariat will take the lead in this new society. Socialism and communism were based on these ideas, including which materialism at its simpler level, involves the focus on material "things" as opposed to that which is spiritual or intellectual in nature taking total control of economic, social and political aspects, where Geopolitics, analysis of the geographic influences on power relationships in international relations.  We live in a world surrounded by and composed of matter. It is natural, therefore, that we may become distracted from spiritual or intellectual pursuits by material possessions, but this is frequently where problems occur. We can become obsessed by a desire to obtain them, or simply frustrated by the need to maintain them.

At some stage, however, such measures will be introduced, very probably, here again, in the form of Private Member’s Bills. Federation is required to come together on their own to form a bigger Country, Independent states pool their sovereignty but maintain their independent status.

The fortune of measures of this kind depends, to a large extent, on the politicians’ evaluation of public opinion; and public opinion depends upon education. I am thinking here not so much of the effects of the propaganda which is put out by the advocates of reform, as of the liberal attitude, the tolerance, the willingness to listen to reason, which a good education develops. Our educational system has greatly improved throughout this century, but it still has very serious weaknesses. There are many good and dedicated teachers in the maintained schools but they are overworked and underpaid. In general, there are not enough teachers and too large a turnover. A number are unwilling or unable to adapt themselves to the new, more imaginative, methods of instruction. Too many children, not always through the fault of the schools but also because of their social environment develop a hostility to learning. The parallel existence of the public and private sectors sustains class – consciousness. The proportion of an age-group which reaches the Universities or the Technical and Technical Colleges is still absurdly small. All these are problems to the solution of which a radical administration should be expected to give a high priority.


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