There is no greater honor, and nothing more powerful, then to look into the eyes of another human being. In that moment you are in tune with another consciousness. Suddenly you are no longer separate entities. You are connected. Every conversation is this. Even if no words are ever spoken.
The goal of a portrait, like the one above, is to create that level of connection. For a moment it’s as if you are standing before them. You can feel their humaness. We need this in an increasingly facile and shallow world that relies on virtual digital likenesses to represent ourselves.
Whether it’s one person who is looking for a Linkedin profile photo, or a whole team creating an About Us page, the goal, my goal, is to portray their unique humaness. Spellcheck is telling my that that’s not a word, but it is in my personal dictionary. Humaness is what I seek. And it’s all around us. You don’t have to search for it All you have to do is look.