Human vs machine? Understanding the different perspectives on AI and the labour market
One of the biggest topics of discussion at BML is artificial intelligence (AI). Specifically, we obsess on where AI will hit hardest, when it comes to jobs.
Full disclosure – we are interested in this because we work with technology to bring businesses through periods of massive change (BML Digital) and because we find humans to do technology-dominated jobs (BML Work).
Across both of these areas, we are resolutely ‘Team Human’. We have big issues with technology hype around digital transformation. We apply the most human-centric approach to senior technology recruitment in the market.
Don’t get us wrong, we are not a bunch of Luddites. We all pack iPhones, engage in tech-driven side hustles and love Uber and Netflix. But if we can find spots where being human and ‘doing human’ gives an edge over a sea of standardised technology outputs, we are going to be very happy.
Which brings us back to AI. In this case we sought to see if AI could give us any better insight on business issues than our own experience.
We will come back to that word ‘better’ in a bit, but right now, it is enough to set out that we tried to assess if the likes of Bard or ChatGPT could do a better job understanding a business issue, compared to the Mk1 human.
We even gave the AI a boost by picking a subject it should know all about – AI: specifically AI and the impact on jobs.
This is what we found........Read the full article on our website.