Human vs humanity

Human vs humanity

Did you know that human is the only species on earth that is willingly destroying its own kind? There is no other animal on earth constantly busy, since its existence, with fighting its own.

The human is a weird species that seems to have no desire to live in peace or harmony with nature.

?There are several species eating their own kind as cannibals. The animals who do so always have been pictured by humans as cruel. But even these animals are not able to plan the destruction of entire groups. Only humans do so.

?Why are we seeking humanity knowing that we are the cruelest, hard learning, and dangerous species on earth? Humanity should be based on kindness and respect, cooperation, and peace. But it is all fake. We are born with a hunting nature and caged in education. Our inner animal is thought a behavior based on ages of experience. We all need to obey laws and regulations written by people who are in charge of ruling others.

?None of these laws and regulations is fair and created to treat people as equals. They are all written in words that are interpreted by the people who are in charge and have the power to implement the rules in the way that comes best for them. Most rules and laws enforce power more than that they do justice.

?Humanity must be redefined. It should be defined as reasons to be in power, work hard and get on top so you enslave others to do jobs you do not like, make love when you want to have it, swipe people away based on your biases, favor those who favor you and hurt others whenever you like it.

?The current definition of love and kindness, understanding, and equality is fake and fooling everyone. That is not what humanity is. Think about it. What did history prove again and again? ?

?(This is part of an ongoing discussion, feel free to place your (destructive?) commands)

Hello. Totally agreed with you. I wrote a book about this topic, and will share it very soon.



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