The Human Void - How's Yours?
Claire Perry-Louise
Founder of the Like Hearted Leaders ?? Community Lead at The Do Lectures ☆ Experienced Workshop Facilitator both Online & Offline ??? Speaker | ??Author |
The Human Void.
The place within each of us which leaves us unfulfilled and constantly seeking.
Maybe your void is vast like the ocean. A heavy pull on your heart. A search for more. For fulfilment. For love. For connection.
Or maybe you don’t even think you have one. Your life is full. You plug the silences with more. You distract yourself, to avoid feeling.
My view is that we all have a void. A feeling perhaps of not enoughness. A feeling that there is more waiting for us on the other side.
Yet , where is the other side? More money? A bigger car? More social media followers ? More love?
I observe the human need for certainty. I observe the human need for right now. We live in a world that we can access on demand. The world is at our fingertips.?
We don’t enjoy the long play of an album we dip in and out on our Spotify accounts. We don’t commit to a film we have fetched from the local store because Netflix can provide, without us leaving our homes. Not captivated in the first 10 minutes ? Then we are onto the next.
Dating apps, give us the ability to judge at a glance and hold multiple conversations at once. Tweaked profile pics . High expectations about finding the ‘one’. Aiming for the false images portrayed online by our idols. Sigh …the beauty and depth of human connection cannot be cultivated in these conditions. We just don’t perceive we have the time.
The world seems lonely to me.
Hyper connected as we are, our connection is actually at an all time low.
We demand to be seen. We fail to go deep. Dopamine drives us to deep addiction.
Enough said.
Yes this is not true for all but I have experienced all I have shared and that is all this is. A share which I hope lands deep.
Love. Empathy. Listening. Connection. Collaboration. Kindness. Commitment. Community.
Qualities I want the world to be steeped in.
The Human Void. How's yours?
Until next time
Claire ☆