Human Values

as limited the first man depending on the satisfaction of the minimum of his instincts innate, dwelt caves, fed on what created by the nature, of the fruits harvested, or what he hunted, then he used to spend the rest of his day hiding in his cave, codifies in walls by drawing his diary, and his eyes on his cave door; wary from the curiosity and danger of other mankind, or predators, later; the discovery of fire and being able to make some rudimentary tools, make a big jump in the human history, where it gives him those discoveries and primitive industries, a preference and a sense of superiority, widen his activities, no longer feared being outside of his cave at night. With the diversity of fields of knowledge the first in humans and the accumulation of practical experience, appeared to him new concepts in life, dictated by the nature of the stages of human evolution, as trade and cooperation against the common dangers, later integrate and adapt to living in human communities, thereby creating a new concept, has known as stability.

Has led the human stability to face a new challenges, securing daily food, the hunt became prey with the time away more and more from the vicinity of his residence, and access to it now needs cut longer distances, creating an incentive to him, searching for other alternatives for food, closer to the site of residence; It was agriculture and animal husbandry, then evolved with stability needs another activities such as defense, fishing and construction were the industry.

At the time when the rights of stability, securing a life of comfort, appeared to him a valuable material and standards, were not in the account before, he owns land, farmed it, scalable and development, houses harboring him, and those values must be preserved and developed, also protect them from infringement and theft of others, and to prevent these moral and material values from being lost, and to this end, the best way to protect these values was deliver to a secure hand, which mostly was the next generation of the family, specially the oldest son or daughter.

Section 1: Human Values:

There is no doubt that the search in the concepts of general human values , and try to be interpreted within the moral and material frameworks, it’s not easy at all, but is one of the most important humanitarian research, attached the human thoughts since he was on this earth, and to this day, he realized and since ancient times, that everything in this life have a material value and moral value, touching the impact of those important values in his daily life, and felt that these values are a unique feature of its kind , which they constantly appear on binaries contradictory in form and content, such as fear and safety, poverty and riches, ignorance and knowledge, love and hate, good and evil .

As long as the form of the conflict between benefit & harm, debate intellectually, morally, religiously and even philosophical, especially when trying to define these two concepts in a neutral and objective way, it is necessary to say that the interpretation of the concept of benefit and harm in general; has been associated with good and evil, based on what lead to benefits of human, and other creatures referred to the good, and everything that leads to harm referred to the evil.

However, the principle of benefit and harm is relatively self-contained, controlled by package of human standards disparate intellectually and culturally, and the result in the end determine the concept of values , what some might imagine a Purpose useful may others deem harmful, so look thinkers of the first human civilizations, to human life as a constant struggle against evil, and offset by a continuing search for goodness, so they went farther in interpreting the meaning of good and bad, material or moral values , try statement If any good or evil subjective values or is it added to the human acts, whether is that a fixed or variable values.

Accordingly; most human theories concerning the interpretation of harm and benefit has focused on the innate human activities and behavior willful toward himself first and then to others secondly, about the human advantages and disadvantages, private and public, during the human quest to secure his demands, and about balancing those desires in order to achieve specific benefits, but not against the public benefits, in other words; the life according to the laws of the universe of nature, according to (xenon)[1], means that a person be in a state of harmony with nature is not in conflict with it, and therefore it will live in harmony with itself and with the others, man while following his nature, living according to the laws of the universe and the divine measure.

               Thinkers, philosophers, theorists of sociology; did not adopt any rules creating human values, but they studied ethical standards specific for human values and the characteristics of those values, without mention the factors building values, in our view, adopted human values on two key factors: the factors innate and acquired.
               The factors fungal include factors in intuition, realized natural rights, which God created them, such as instincts innate like sex and self-defense, and natural emotions such as fear, love, hate, etc. The human mind in its natural fungal is able to analyze situations, and the development of values   that can be adopted for him.
               Has long been associated with talking about the instinct of human nature and good ethics matters benign, but that faith is innate to the followers of divine oneness of God and worship religions, it is instinctive and natural, not artificial, unlike the claims of some that religious belief, man has made   himself a dam spiritual vacuum or exploitation of certain categories of human beings, and therefore that any religious beliefs are not only the ideas or beliefs of situation. In fact, I did not find any sign of human encroachment are among the heavenly books only in the Qur'an , as the Qur'an verses function on many different humanitarian instinct , some used the Qur'an word instinct in the verse: ( God created fungal mankind, does not change God's creation)[2]. As well as in the verse: (Adding to your face upright for religion bestowed by God that mankind does not switch to God's creation is religion)[3], God has pointed to the word instinct, and the term of all people, as well as in the verse: (While if you asked them the creator of the heavens and the earth, they will say Allah)[4], that is human by nature he knows there is a God, and this is what is referred to by the Prophet peace be upon him, saying: (what live only born on instinct, and his parents make him Jew or a Christian or Imjdzisanh)[5], as well as I have found in the book of the Gospel what might considered - from my point of view- signal humanitarian instinct, so by describing the Apostle John to Jesus (the life was the light of men)[6], In the sense that life is innate in every sense of the good of mankind embodied in the light of Jesus Christ the son of Marry, as a god and not human beings, that's a different matter when even among Christians themselves, but with regard to the meaning of instinct a language they are in the sense of creation and existence[7].
               The idiomatically it a set of qualities and capabilities that create with the baby, and is characterized by human in origin created both capabilities physical,  psychological, or mental, characterized by properties innate in humans as there is naturally no unearned, Knowledge is the human innate, is the characteristics and attributes is gained, but are necessary for human habits, and to be associated with him, since the beginning of its formation and existence naturally, but this may be called human tine that fungus on them.
               Properties fungal also characterized its existence when all human beings, without exceptions, because - as we mentioned earlier - it is one of the natural things that exist with man since the beginning of creation, and therefore there is no exception, where it is a general and comprehensive, all humans common sense is something innate, but if it is not inclusive of all individuals or was connected with human acquired by education, experience or memorization, is not innate.
               However, the indigenous knowledge on customary condition private matters, sexual needs, not appear until the human effectively farthest puberty, and even if signed puberty not those be natural instinct status of the disease, for example, as well as the command in all things fungal they are not absolute, but restricted under special conditions  As provided above, therefore, not to check the terms of activation of human nature, it does not necessarily mean that they are not innate, and this is very important for the interpretation of many of the facts concerning the humanities moral.
               As in the innate religiosity, which means that man was created according to the spiritual self and common construction in need of God, It has made the search for God and worship need and sense inherent in the nature of human beings, so we see the human since ancient times has shown his loyalty hidden force or phenomenon, dubbed the name of God, and worshiped and closer to them, and mastered in offerings to her, a request for consent and compassion , historical, cultural and evidence about this which are varied.
               Therefore, proving the innate religiosity, especially for those who do not believe the evidence of Quran and Prophetic own in this regard, we may need to prove that man by nature alone recognizes the existence of God and feel his need to compassion and help him, and this feeling is a fungal origin , and not as result of indoctrination or education by the owners of the doctrines situation, therefore; it is necessary to recall some of the sayings of the most important contemporary human sociologists; Alex Karl :( human also need water and oxygen is in need God too) [8].
               Young disciple of Freud's well-known, psychology of contemporary scientists had believed the authenticity of the religious sense of the depth of the conscience of mankind, and rejects the theory of his teacher, based on the religious sense is material. So says Young : ( If we read the previous nations we will find that man has the instinct of religiosity, that this instinct affect it strongly as an influence sexual instincts)[9], and therefore the religious sense is one of the elements of the natural human spirit and more genuine divisions self- human, a human value important, there is no doubt about the existence of a sense of religiosity in human, and even materialists do not deny it, but they do not consider religion a sense of authentic, it is a return to teach, and therefore the key to proving the encroachment of religion in human is the fact that this sense of innate and natural and not acquired.
               Hence; we conclude important and serious result; which is that human nature which tends by nature to Religiosity, it also inclined by nature to perfection, so that access for perfection in all things is one of the things fungal which is inherent in intellectual engineering to the children of the whole human beings without disagreement between humans categories, Unlike beliefs and cultures, none of the customs, traditions, morals and doctrines through the ages, It has been reversed this fact or caused the breach, even if minimal, an innate yearning for perfection, and at all the stages of their life. 
               Instead; what drives the human to work hard, and all the efforts of everyone in his field, but a quest for perfection, despite the existence of differences among people in perfect diagnosis, and nothing is achieved, everyone finds perfection in belief, which was adopted by him.
               Thus it can be said, and all objectivity, that the human instinct by nature tend towards extremism intellectually and behaviorally, in order to protect the physical and intellectual gains, noting that extremism in moral values   and standards is evil and not good, no matter how Highness and nobility of the same goal. So in light of extreme intellectual judgment, may a person illusion of the existence of things that are not real, in order to achieve his quest, therefore lies, hypocrisy, abuse and even murder, as well as everything that could explain the behavior of extremist based on religious, intellectual or cultural values as evil act, in the end is only an innate human behavior. They behaviors are difficult to contain and control them only through remote awareness about intellectual and religious extremism, and that why the law comes to control human’s activities.
               So must be recognized that intellectual extremism shown by most scholars of religions over time, has become the rank of indulgences and provided by the churches of Europe, the fighters of the Crusades, the wars values   and religious, against the Islamic world the Middle Ages, has resulted in the bloody wars, disasters devastating human and material losses enormous between two sides. One of the results of the increasing voices cultural elites in Europe claim the separation of religion from the state, and those claims turned into a popular, and was isolating churches from intervening in state policy
               And in the same context, the clerics Jews claim divine promises and attributed to the Torah and the Talmud, which is addressed to all Jewish believers that they should kill the infidels and all of non Judaism (Paradise shelter pure spirits only for the Jews, infidels hell shelter, and share them with the only crying)[10], from Sectarianism perspective, all local customs and based on the extremism thoughts, is a key criterion for determining values, as well as lists of crimes, punishments, specifically here, it must be emphasized that extremism sectarian minor secure moderate practical solutions, so it is resorting to the literature of historical virtues and evoke the ancient achievements, which requires a critical weapon scathing , but based on the Occult and they finally make radical solutions 
Factors gained, include consisting values   as a result of accumulated human experience, strategic values related to the economy, finance and industry, security, food, health, education, the environment and the laws, which also include human values   related to the evolution of instinctive capacity in humans for survival, as well as their own religious beliefs, values.
               Man by nature was believes the existence of God runs the affairs of the universe at large, so he pray to sun, moon, fire and idols, but later he pray to god alone, after the descent of the divine religions, gained new values   from the concept of worship through the prophets call to worship the consolidation and bring evidence of mental, physical and proofs, like miracles of Prophets, in order to convince humans to follow the new religions.
               It is worth mentioning that the innate human values   such as survival instinct, a sense of fear and safety, contribute in guiding human behavior[11], leading to the creation of human values   acquired, a child feels safe in the bosom of his mother or his father, but after boarding his life, begins to search for other alternatives pose has a new values to feel safe. Some may see safety in taking a friend or group of friends, and another sees safety in the purchase of weapon and keep it with him wherever he need it, other find security in the unit and isolation from the people, undoubtedly; all this values acquired as a result of changing conditions of life, as well as in relation to society, the human influenced and reacts behavior and culture of the society in which they live in , including addition systems and norms, customs and traditions, contributing to identify concepts and values   in those communities.
               It can be said that the innate and acquired factors are establishing the values, but human values   themselves are the criteria under which those laws mode, because they are standards of human taken to judge the nature of things and their interpretation of the separation of good and evil , benefit and harm, but they nevertheless remain abstract and relevant standards General characteristics, for example, participating funeral of a person, is general standard of behavior, because it reflects the general rules of ethical values   such as sympathy and support from friends and family, funeral services are specific to each range values   in accordance with their religious and intellectual beliefs, and these special values   are determined by consideration of human values and judging them, for example raise the national flag of any country; constitutes a general rule, but the national anthem accompanying to a flag-raising; reflects a different values for each country . So different cultures and ideologies necessarily reflect different values  , and over the centuries formed the values, adjusted due to cultural and religious variables, and even disappeared values   and appeared again to replace it.
                It seems that the human values, standards are constantly changing and impose themselves sometimes aggressively, to the extent that it may affect the intellectual and religious beliefs themselves, human beings are involved in culture and share their knowledge. Even if the values   of every society does not fully agree with some of the rules of the standard values   of a society another, as for example in the case of sanctions , and this reflects the ability of humans to gather, draw new human values   from multiple and disparate subcultures .
               If the humanitarian struggle values between different communities, so the rule standard original for each value may be implemented as close to natural selection in the universe theory of ways, for example, the issuance of grant humanitarian asylum in some European countries laws, as a result of the evolution of public benchmarking and specific moral values own communities these countries, which eventually led to the issuance of such laws, note that the development of human values, happened in the secular systems of countries, while any of Arab country do not grant humanitarian asylum in their land, or multiple humanitarian rights ethical, or grants citizenship to refugees stranded. It’s a sad fact that the most of the refugees who we are talking about, they are Arab and Africans, because the standard of human values   in those Arab countries rules simply have not yet sophisticated intellectually to the stage up, may be religious, ideological and extremism in the Arab countries, and now the resulting social disaster and bloody conflicts serious, and finally contribute to the creation of new standardized rules more humane, to prove that the human values lies in the success of human freedom from the material desires.

Section 2:  Moral and material values:

Morality known as the sum of the rules of behavior that control communities and adjust their behavior[12], there are many similar tariffs, linked the human values with morality, these values has filed been within four different properties according to their importance as follows:

A- These properties well-known or a desire by a person or a particular group of people.

B- The fact that these properties are worth this much or that of appreciation.

C- Being responsive to a particular purpose.

D- Certain social reality is being exchanged and adopted by a person or group of people.

While it comes to estimate these properties, it is being assessed according to the benefit provided to the people, so we can say that a human’s value means the implicit recognition that an act or a thought achieves good, and the thinking of moral values is to think about what is best for socially or individually.

From the perspective of Greek philosophy, or in other words (platonic) [13], the human derives all of values from the god, where there is a world beyond time and space, and there are all the facts, and those values are fixed and cannot be changed, according to this trend, the real human values matched with the god rules, but it is in that trend excludes the human mind and completely ignores its interaction with the surrounding variables and accumulated experience has and its impact on his view of moral values . Thus, the moral value according to Greek philosophy realized in three axes, first goal, which one seeks to achieve, if the happiness goal shall be considered as a moral value, and secondly in the act practiced, if the act is good, it is a moral value, and the third axis is achieved feeling, considered the beauty as moral value[14], values in the Greek overall philosophy revolves around happiness goodness and beauty, if no were to do with happiness or goodness or beauty is not considered humanitarian values.

               We find the same themes teachings of the monotheistic religions, it is that these values are in accordance with those conditioned to worship God, religions, because religions divided the human life to a worldly and the Hereafter, if restricting happiness, goodness and beauty in this world, only it will be temporary and ephemeral, but the cause of the misery and evil, leading to the painful punishment in afterlife, so who wants happiness, goodness and beauty Time, he has faith in God and obedience to his orders and avoid prohibitions, all the happiness, goodness and beauty in the completed forms are not only obey God as ordered and forbade, here it is wordy one but interpretation of values differs from the thought of another.
               It should be mentioned that the Latin culture in general, although it adopted the moral direction of the definition of human values   , but they distinguished between the values   and ethics, values   according to the Latin philosophy is a system of rules and behavioral binding, which is derived from where the group direction in her career and intellectual choices and are issued by the provisions of the standard moral, cultural, political, social and economic public. The ethics are the qualities or a trait that infuses one's behavior and that makes this behavior is acceptable in society[15].
               So people would agree description of reality, but they differ in its interpretation, if consider two sunsets, they do not differ incident sunset but they differ in the interpretation of what may It raised the sunset from the feelings of each, one will be optimistic, while the other will be pessimist.
Therefore it should take into account differing cultures and visions between people when adopting the moral direction to define the values, for example, Woman's body is a material for profits to internal women's clothing companies, while others argue that a woman's body is a sedition. 
               Regardless of both opinions, what people believe remains important to them as a human values, and live up to the level of laws that must be adhered to. For example, women are forced to wear the veil in public places in Makah, even if they are not Muslims, while a Muslim women is not allowed to wearing the veil in France, so who lives in France, he may learn that the prevention of wearing veil in public places is not a war on Islamic values, but it is contrary to the French values, and in the same time, the French society may learn that the Islamic veil does not means imposition of Islamic values on them, and veil does not constitute harm to France, comparing with many of human behaviors which may considered by the French as important values, such freedom of homosexuality and freedom of libel and insulting the prophets, which considers in some societies as a freedom of opinion and expression.

[1] Xenon stoic, the owner of the Stoic school, the proportion of the corridors of the Greek temples and Latin, a philosopher, a Phoenician, and his knowledge on the idea that the wise man must be free from emotion or vulnerability of joy or sorrow, that the subject is not whiny to rule the necessity, he lived in Cyprus, in the third century BC.

[2] Al-Rum, verse 30
[3] Al-Hajj , Verse 31
[4] Luqman , verse 25
[5] Bukhari No. 1276, as well as Muslim / 4809
[6] John 4: 1.
[7] Arabs tongue, Ben mandoor, the definition of the word instinct, i 1, p. 315, Jamal al-Din Mohammed bin Makram, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut 1989

[8] Alex Karle ( Alexis Carrel ), a French doctor , was born in Paris in June 28, 1873 and died on November 5, 1944 , he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1912 , and the most important writings in sociology , Man, The Unknown in 1935 , where he says in the introduction to his book : I am not a philosopher , but I am a man of science only, I spent the biggest part of my life in the lab studying living organisms , and on the part remaining in the vast world was watching human beings , and I try to understand them , however , I do not pretend I treat things beyond the scope of scientific observation field.

[9] Behavioral values in education, d. Mahmud Atta, op. Cit., P. 63.

[10]  Daniel 21/2
[11]  Man, The Unknown , Alexis Carl , just Shafiq translation , p. 22 , Casablanca National Printing Press , Cairo, without the year printed .

[12] Andre Laland, French philosopher (1867-1963) was born in Dijon, studied in House senior teachers; he obtained a doctorate in literature in 1899. In 1909, He taught philosophy in Sorbonne, Laland is the most prominent philosophers of rationality, and his most important books: intentions or goals of freedom, truth, what the reason, the law of nature, morality mind, assimilation and social studies and aesthetics.

[13] The history of Greek philosophy, p1, translation d. Saki Naguib Mahmud, p. 22 , Commission Translation, Authorship BA , 1957 .

[14] The philosophy of Jean-Paul Rzphippr values , translated by Dr. Adel Al-Awa, p. 6, House Owaidat Publishing and Printing, Beirut, Lebanon, 2001

[15] - Term language and content , Nasir al-Din al-Assad, p. 49 , new knowledge Academy Press, Rabat 2002

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