Human Trafficking Survivor

Human Trafficking Survivor

Maria and John-

I am writing you as a follow up to my voice mail and my message on Linkedin.? I am a whistle blower on many things, but also a victim of human trafficking and sex trafficking because of the banks and my business, of which you should see on my Linkedin. It gives me great sadness to even write this, but after watching Filthy Rich for the second time, I feel that the only thing I can do, and the most loving thing I can do is hold these people accountable. The victims, like me, deserve justice.

Please know that I believe in second chances, so I’ve spent time trying to fix what is my legacy, as my great grandfather started the first stock brokerage in the stage of Michigan, of which I’ve tried to do with my business and have much work ahead of me in my industry., as SPF is causing skin cancer and I was in contract negotiations with Australia, so I am a global name in business.

In 2019 my father was killed by the CIA, of which I am suing the CIA for this and have also tried to fight for his honor, which is commendable, given what the CIA did to him and the CIA has been sued before and lost.? We did not autosopsy his death to prove no foul play, but I was in no condition to fight this at that time, as I was grieving 1) and in a horrific abusive relationship 2) getting gang stalked and harassed which is a horror, I will eventually write about, but that man, 4 years later is still causing problems because of the power in this place called Castle Park, MI.

Of which, Castle Park represents all the men and women of finance.? Now please know, my father was in oil and anything on his life is very sensitive given what he did during the first Cold War. Please see his obituary below. I will say this time and time again, we never should have left Houston, for the land of Ford and the proximity to this place in Holland Mi, which is responsible for making me sick with Lyme disease.

The Pentagon in 2019, the year he “died” admitted Lyme is germ warfare and of course I was privy to so much as a child given whom he was, and all of this is coming out now, but this place is also the place that controls media.

Anything bad in this world is represented in Castle Park, MI and they even “hide it in plain site” by calling themselves “crooks row”, its despicable to realize this all these years later, but this is also the home of free masons, and I have two uncles that are Skull and Bones.

I grew up vacationing with Barbara Bush and quite frankly its testament to my grandparents which you will also see below, to how they raised me, as I never knew just whom I was until 2017 when all of this started with my business. ? This picture was taken from their home in Boca Grande, FL when life just made more sense I believe for many of us Americans, as nothing makes sense and I’ve contemplated JD/MBA programs and JD programs, largely because of the corruption in our judicial system, which I know you both are familiar with given the cases you are representing.

The state of Michigan is very corrupt, however my business is Chicago, and I’m sure you know most of this started with Obama and the Clintons and regardless of where you stand politically we are in very troubling times in this country.

My father voted for Trump during his first election because he “was not a politician”.? I supported Trump in 2020 as he is the only president to go after the sex trafficking rings, which now includes Castle Park, MI because of my very sick cousin, Gray Malin, who m most likely, along with many of men of Walstreet in this place that also went, which is largely why the lists aren’t coming out.

I want to also point out that I was completely unaware that these things existed, let alone in my own backyard before I met said ex boyfriend, that was obsessed with the “Epstein didn’t kill himself” drama, which of course is now proving to be true with he autopsy.

When I said I met an ex pd, whose ex pd cousin is the one that killed Epstein, even I cannot believe this happened and I only wish I would have come to you all sooner, but my life has been in danger.

I’ve been afraid to be touched by men, and was shaking at my gynecology appointment where my doctor told me to “keep speaking my truth”, and that it took much courage for me to share my story.

Its heartbreaking to know that this is a result of men my entire life I thought were good.

But this harassment has gone on to affect other people and young women and when I say that I have proof that they sex trafficked in Lansing, MI with the PD and finger printed it, I am telling you the truth.

The PD are the sex traffickers, as according to Pat Currie (Goldman Sachs) and Katie Coulson Currie (Goldman Sachs) “cops are easy” and when I watched the documentary on Ghislane, it reminded me very much of Katie Coulson Currie and her relationship with her father Frank Coulson, of which you can do yuur own due diligence on , but I have my own reasons to not like Goldman Sachs.

Every bank has ties to Epstein.

What is even more disturbing is that they have used a woman out of Florida, the #1 sex trafficking state as a maritime ESQ to do such thing. Sharla Manglitz Law

Please know this woman is very sick, has harassed me, bullied me, and is very obsessed with iife and business and a lot of these women are similar to Ghislane in recruiting young women for not only the men, but themselves.

Colman Currie is an old friend of mine, but has also caused many problems for me, with his sister Emily Currie and of course, she represents Hollywood, so do the math on that, but I will enclose to you what I sent them in December, with hopes that this all would end, but sadly it has now affected young girls I was working with and mothers of young children here at Moss Creek in Hilton Head, SC.

As MLK said, the arc of the moral universe leans towards justice and not only are the people of Castle Park, MI child abusers for not cleaning up their ticks, but to allow this to be in. Place that I once thought was magical.

Please also know The Wizard of Oz was written about this place and I’m also exposing the “man” behind the curtain.

What I am tired of is the courts NOT protecting women, but I have so much work with The Kay Hagan Tick Act and all my other advocacy that I do NOT have time to fix everything, which is why I am writing you.

I would like to testify against these people and the state of Michigan and expose what this entire world desires to learn.

The most loving thing I can do is hold these people accountable.? ? It is the only way things will change and I too, am tired of the victim shaming.? You do not accuse women and blame them for the abuse that men and for the record, yes 5% of abusers are women, which is why Stephanie Shepard Mehney is also in this category, given what she did to her husband and me, and many others, all because of her obsession with my business.? Now pleas understand she married my ex boyfriend, of which was the last time I was intimate with a man, when he put his hands on my neck and did things with his camera that terrified me.? I’ve had therapy around this, but have also been accused of making it up, by my own mother and sister, as they tried to make me scape goat for my ex BIL’s affairs, of which I tried to warn them of, in 2017.

Its despicable, harrowing what I’ve survived because of these men and while I demand justice, it gives me great pleasure to know, that at some point, all of these people will face my father and grand father, as I am a woman of strong faith and know that the real vengeance is God’s.

I’ve red taped this everywhere.

I am a very brave woman.

But I have suffered greatly simply trying to work and fight for those who deserve justice, like me.

Bobbi Hines with Miller Johnson should not only be disbarred, but please understand given red tape, she is what is representing these pedofiles, DESPITE her terrifying me with all she knew about this all starting in finance.

Mark Epstein in Chicago, of which you can see the lyme crime time line, as I hired him for my mother’s abuse referred me to Bobbi. However his paralegal Jen involved herself with things she shouldn’t have and its just sa sad to me that so few attorneys out there actually care.? Any business dealings would have happened in Australia and only I was privy to that contract, but surely these people should know you do due diligence and hire attorneys for their specialty.? It just so happened to be on the business email, of which has been hacked, all of my lap tops have be stolen.? I’ve had things stolen out of hotels and? this has continued largely because of a girl named Onyx Taylor and Dr Charlie Galanis, as they found her in Las Vegas and she and her friends refer to themselves as “suicicde squad” to steal money from men and put the wives into suicide.

I cannot even believe I have to explain this, but it was brought to my attention by someone called NK Vcitims fund of what this woman did to her.

She is also the reason my sister got HPV from my ex BIL, but c’est la vie.

Where they really went wrong was accusing me of their evil professionally and I’ve done all the work to sue those companies, as professional sexual slander in the state of MI is I believe 10 years.

Kelly and Jake Watling, with Stephanie Shepard are responsible for this with Megan Brinkmeyer and franchisee called Woodhosue Day Spa.

Oh what a tangled web we weave in order to deceive

Sir Walter Edward Scott

My late father’s favorite quote, and while I can’t explain all that my father did to serve this country I have at least men marines that have explained the wall and what he did in Russia and if you haven’t noticed with are in the Bay of Pigs all over again.

Right now I have gone rogue. I cannot be on social media, as I am stalked by my mother’s very sadistic husband and as a sales person, this has not only affect3ed me, but my counterparts and labor trafficking is also sex trafficking.

That is a fact.

I cannot work because of this harassment.

I hope this finds you well.? God Bless the USA.? We surely need it, and given our PD do not care, I firmly believe we are in need of Marshall law.

When I asked a PD in Skokie what they were doing about sex trafficking he said “we will try to do better”.

When I had a St Thomas hat on I got at a thrift store., not knowing it is where Epstein’s island was, and was trying to get disability inclusion stickers to hispanic children that loved my dog, outside of no other that a place called St Francis, which is the blessing of the animals, why did the PD show up.

The PD are the sex traffickers, along with truck drivers and all red tape is done on Hilton Honors, and I am prepared to expose the NFL, as the Super Bowl is the biggest sex trafficking ring of the year.

Many. of these people are addicts.? No child is safe here at this time.? Looking back, they were always grooming us.? Of which I have discussed in detail in therapy.

Caste Park Association

6690 Edwards

Holland MI



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