Human Trafficking
Monica Deller
Founder/Chairman/CEO Trauma To Triumph Ministries/Author/Patriot/Activist
This is what Wikipedia says about Human Trafficking:
Human Trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficking or others. This may encompass a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and oval removal. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim’s rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially women and children, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from place to place.
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), forced labor alone (one component of human trafficking) generates an estimated $150 billion in profits per annum as of 2014. In 2012, the ILO estimated that 21 million victims are trapped in modern day slavery. Of these, 14.2 million (68%) were exploited for labor, 4.5 million (22%) were sexually exploited, and 2.2 million (10%) in state-imposed forced labor. The International Labor Organization has reported that child workers, minorities, and irregular migrants are at considerable risk of more extreme forms of exploitation. Statistics shows that over half the world’s 215 million young workers are observed to be in hazardous sectors, including forced sex work and forced street begging. Ethnic minorities and highly marginalized groups of people are highly estimated to work in some of the most exploitative and damaging sectors, such as leather tanning, mining, and stone quarry work.
Human trafficking is thought to be one of the fastest growing activities of trans -national criminal organization.
Human trafficking is modern day slavery. It is the exploitation of men, women and children for forced labor or sex by a third party to profit or gain.
Ken Paxton, Attorney General of Texas –
Texas, my home state is in the forefront of combatting this hideous crime. In 2016 – in one of his first major initiatives – Attorney General Paxton formed the Human Trafficking and Transnational/Organizational Crime Section (HTTOC), tasked with combatting human trafficking across our state. There are 234,000 Victims of labor trafficking in Texas any given time. This section has already won significant battles against human traffickers, including developed and produced a powerful training video – designed to mobilize all Texans to “Be the One†in the fight against human trafficking.
Go to their site and watch the video, it is available in both English and Spanish… Prevent . Recognize . Report
Texas ranks first in the nation By Drew Knight –
According to a report from The Human Trafficking Institute, 74 criminal human trafficking cases made their way through federal courts in Texas last year.
Austin, Texas – The state of Texas has some work to do when it comes to human trafficking, according to a report from The Human Trafficking Institute.
The report, released Tuesday, shows Texas ranked first in the nation for the number of criminal cases that wound their way through the federal courts last year. Of those 74 cases, 68 involved sex trafficking and six involved labor trafficking.
Texas also ranked first for the number of new criminal human trafficking cases in 2018 with 19 initiated cases. That’s well above the national average of five new cases per state or territory.
Of the new criminal cases, the report shows Texas initiated two criminal labor trafficking cases last year, making Texas one of seven states or territories to initiate a new labor trafficking prosecution.
My thoughts
The trafficking industry is a $32 billion industry, that is the third largest criminal industry in the world, only lagging behind drugs and guns. Most being sex slavery and a high percentage being female. Almost impossible to catch and bring to justice. With people becoming more aware and pay attention to their surroundings some victims of trafficking are being noticed but this is very rare.
What is it like to be a slave, well your freedom is taken from you. From the moment you were trafficked you have no more free choice; you do someone else’s bidding. If you become a labor slave, you work long hours with not much to eat and no free time, beatings and endless work, often hidden away not to be noticed by others. If you become a sex slave, your used and abused so many times a day and night that you lose all track of time and your emotions become frozen. I can’t think of anything worse than to have no free choice. Bad treatment and abuse become the norm even though you never become used to it.
A passion burns inside of me of various emotions, anger, sadness, horror of what is happening to people who have been stolen who have been trafficked and why, because of evil, greed, lusts, selfishness…. No one is safe from sexual slavery; a baby, toddler, young child is desired by some evil person because he wants a young tight helpless child to get his gratification from…. that’s the harsh reality, no sugar coating here. Childhoods are stolen, lives are taken as you enter a nightmare underground world.
Atrocities are going on, people dressing up as the opposite sex and reading to kids in the libraries – I saw one video where one of these people was actually on the floor imitating a sexual act…. To young children no less!!!! It’s beyond my understanding why parents would allow a child to participate in such activities. Parents need to be diligent, keep their kids close and yes, we need to get back to a traditional and moral way of life.