Human Trafficking 101
Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world, with profits that average $150 billion per year. There are two categories of human trafficking: sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Sex trafficking occurs when an individual commits a commercial sex act because of force, fraud, or *coercion. Labor trafficking occurs when violence or coercion is used to force someone to work against their will. This crime happens everywhere in the world, including your hometown.
*Coercion: Using leverage to compel a victim to act against their own interests.
The Landing is a faith-based anti-human trafficking organization located in Houston, Texas, that aims to identify victims of trafficking and help restore their lives. Less than 1% of victims are identified. Some victims do not even realize that the situation they are in is classified as human trafficking. Others are completely powerless or are convinced by their traffickers into staying in their situation. To combat this, The Landing does community outreach to inform people on the reality and signs of human trafficking. They also have programs in youth advocacy (with a 24/7 hotline) and a drop-in center. The drop-in center offers services like case management, food and clothing, job search support, counseling, a resting room, enrichment workshops, and more!
On January 29th, 2021, The Landing hosted a virtual human trafficking intro course that discussed trafficking statistics, warning signs, and the work that anti-trafficking organizations are doing to stop the supply, demand, and distribution chain. The course also includes a Q&A session at the end and addresses topics like:
- How has COVID-19 impacted the human trafficking industry?
- What makes someone vulnerable to being trafficked?
- What are “Romeo Pimps”?
- What do I do if I see signs of human trafficking or suspect something strange is going on?
- What role does law enforcement play in fighting human trafficking in Houston?
Click on the link below to watch Human Trafficking 101 and find out the answers to the questions above:
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