Human Spring Mechanism... Functions To Recycle Energy, Improving Efficiency and Reducing Fatigue
James Stoxen DC FSSEMM (hon)
International Keynote Speaker at Dr James Stoxen DC inc
Video taken from a presentation given at the World Congress of Anti-aging Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2006
The Human Spring Theory says that:
The human spring stores mechanical potential energy therefore it is an efficiency mechanism
The human spring absorbs forces of landings therefore it is a protective mechanism
the human spring allows the foot to land on uneven surfaces adjusting the body mechanics to the terrain.
The human spring is integrated into the biomechanics therefore it is essential for stress/strain free motion
Weakness or locking of the spring can lead to:
increased risk for acute injury
an inability to heal
an accelerated aging of the body’s systems.
The human spring stores mechanical potential energy therefore it is an energy recycling mechanism.
Many of your patients who have chronic fatigue don’t have the energy to do as much. They don’t feel like exercising and they wake up tired and remain tired all day. They might think the answer is to drink a lot of coffee and they go to bed tired yet can’t get a lot of sleep at night because of insomnia or restless leg syndrome.
Those patients may have a locked human spring mechanism as part of their problem. The energy mechanisms of the human Spring recycle free natural energy. They’ve had this natural energy their whole life but it’s now depleted once the spring mechanism locks and it will not return until the spring is unlocked.
Abnormal movement patterns can trigger the brain to turn on muscle spasms that stiffen joints and reduce the natural elastic recoil or spring of muscles and tendons. We say we are stiff. The body is more efficient when it is moving according to the way it was designed to move, unrestricted by muscle spasms or joint stiffness.
Why wouldn’t you evaluate the most common reason for fatigue or how the body ambulates? What other more common reason is there for why the body gets tired so quickly?
Read the rest of this article here: Human Spring Mechanism... Functions To Recycle Energy, Improving Efficiency and Reducing Fatigue