The Human Side of Money: Insights from Building Sav

At Sav, we believe that money is more than just numbers on a balance sheet. It is a powerful force that shapes human relationships, fuels hopes and dreams, triggers fears, and can be influenced by diverse backgrounds. In our journey of building a financial service, we have gained profound insights into the intricate connections between money and people. A wrap-up of our learnings about the human side of money - each of which shapes our direction, approach and solutioning.

1. Money and Hopes: Empowering Dreams

"Sav gives me hope - it keeps me accountable, and every AED saved brings me closer to my graduation dream from Canada." - Javier, Sav user

Hopes and dreams intertwine with every transaction. From saving for a dream vacation to investing in a business, we've learnt how money fuels aspirations. We celebrate the triumphs and support the journeys of our users as they chase their personal dreams.

2. Money and Fears: Alleviating Financial Anxiety

"Sav has given me a sense of security and control over my finances. The fear and uncertainty I once felt have been replaced by confidence and peace of mind. This is the first time i adhered to building and emergency corpus and trying out no spend days" - Sarah, Sav user

Fears can be deeply tied to one's finances. We've seen firsthand the anxiety that arises from financial insecurity. We are on a mission is to alleviate these fears, creating a safe space for individuals to regain control of their finances and find peace of mind.

3. Money and People: The Dynamics of Relationships

"Managing finances with spouse can be tricky, but Sav has made it easier to navigate those conversations and strengthen our bond. I tried the 'Sav Duo' in Beta and I look forward to having the full version of it" - Emily, Sav user

Money isn't just about numbers. It's a gateway to understanding human relationships. Through Sav, we've witnessed how money can strain or strengthen friendships. Splitting bills, lending money, or saving together - finances can impact and nurture these bonds. . We understand the delicate balance between money and people, and we strive to create solutions that strengthen these bonds.

4. Money and Tools: Empowering Financial Independence

"Sav app has been a game-changer for me. It's like having a personal saver in my pocket - without having to actively think about savings. Everytime I get paid, I ensure that my goals get paid first. In less than 40 days, I've additional 600 AED saved in spare change" - Alex, Sav user

Tools shape our financial realities. Building Sav has taught us the power of intuitive and user-friendly tools. We've witnessed the transformative impact of automated savings, rewards, and awareness of everyday money habits in empowering individuals to thrive. Our secret sauce is simple and intuitive tools!

5. Money and Backgrounds: Embracing Diversity

"I grew up valuing savings and rationalising my spending needs. But, I've found myself constantly distracted by the Dubai bling! Sav brings back my sanity wrt money. It makes me feel seen, valued, and supported in my financial journey. Saving is more than a vanilla account now " - Srikant, Sav user

Backgrounds add rich layers to our understanding of money. Every nationality brings a unique perspective shaped by culture, social norms, and economic experiences. Sav is designed to embrace inclusivity and leverages diversity to design financial solutions for all.

At Sav, we are not just building a financial service; we are unraveling the human side of money. Our journey has taught us that money is not a standalone entity but a powerful force that influences much deeper things. By understanding and addressing these aspects, we are committed to making a positive impact on people's lives. Together, let's navigate the intricate tapestry of money and empower individuals to achieve financial well-being and pursue their dreams.

We are learning, everyday, and we'd love to know your relationship with money and how can we make this better!



