The Human Side of Change Management
Defining successful companies
“Successful companies,” as Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter told strategy+business, develop “a culture that just keeps moving all the time.” That is the quintessential definition of change in business today.
Whether you’re a small, medium, or large company, change is a constant. Global strife, demanding customers, and advancing technology all add to the mix of uncertainty.
In response, many consulting firms have stepped up their efforts to assist companies in focusing their attention on devising the best strategic and tactical change plans. But, we at SuccessFactorsInc.Net assert not enough attention is paid to the human side of change management.
Employees are being asked to think, act, and work differently as the company moves forward. And, leadership teams that fail to plan for the human side of change often find themselves wondering why their best-laid plans have gone awry.
Leaders who are contemplating change know that people matter. But it is certainly more difficult dealing with people issues than working on processes and plans.
Change management model for employees
Our Fast Track to Success offers a model that moves change-focused ideas into a sequential employee development program. Our research-based program incorporates nine Success Factors to assist in successfully initiating change at the employee level.
To alter behavior at work—or anywhere in life—involves action and self-direction. As our program breaks down change into a step-by-step process that includes completing an initiative, developmental shifts occur in thinking and acting. People commit to action and to results.
In addition, our coaching of the teams toward project completion fosters growth in self-direction and accountability. Measuring success along the way adds depth to their projects. Finally, examination and review of progress moves people and your company toward successful completion of goals.
We would love to help your employees through the inevitable change facing you and your company. Our programs develop high-performing leaders and effective teams. Give us a call. In the meantime, think about how you would answer these questions.
Your people amount to your most valuable strategic asset
Here are some questions to think about as you look for change within your organization. How will YOU answer these questions?
· How do we get teams to work together in a new way, and execute plans in a changed environment?
· How will employees react to the change and in turn, get their teams to work together?
· How do we lead in tumultuous times as employees adapt to a new reality?
· How do we create an environment where folks succeed?
· How do we retain the company’s unique values and sense of identity while creating a culture of commitment and performance?
· How do we keep everyone aligned with our vision and mission as change occurs?
· How do we equip leaders to effectively execute business strategies?
Our Fast Track to Success program addresses these issues head-on. Contact us: [email protected]. OR call 425.485.3221.
? Dr. Julie Miller 2018