The Human Side of AI
Annicken R. Day
Organizational Strategist & Work Culture Expert | Founder & CEO Corporate Spring | Global Keynote & TEDx Speaker | Bestselling Author
Confused. Insecure. Frustrated. Scared.?
These were the exact words the executive team in a large, international company used when I asked how people in their organization were responding to the company’s new AI strategy.?
By the look on their faces, I had a feeling they were describing themselves as well.?
The executive team wanted to know how to keep their teams motivated to innovate, perform, and adapt to new ways of working in times of uncertainty and change. They knew the success of their AI strategy was depending on it.
Many leaders are grappling with the same questions these days.
While digitization, automation and AI have been high on most leader’s agendas for a while, attention and focus on people and culture has been lagging behind. This can now be seen and felt, from “quiet quitting,” disengaged employees, lack of innovation and growth, and inability to implement necessary changes, structurally as well as culturally.
In times of change and uncertainty people need more, not less, attention from their leaders. They need to be seen, feel valued, and be listened to. Feel informed, involved and given the opportunity to learn. They need to have open, honest, and safe conversations about the challenges and opportunities they see, and also be given the opportunity to discuss any fears they may have.
If they don’t, they will probably (and most likely quietly) resist any changes coming their way. But if they do, and feel met with respect, curiosity and empathy from their leaders, they will most likely support, and even help instigate, the needed changes.
This is not rocket science. It is neuroscience.
Therefore, in this turbulent AI Age where the word AI itself can trigger a lot of uncertainty and fear, it may be a good idea to give your team some PEACE:
P for Perspective. What is AI, really? How can it help us work better, smarter, simpler, faster? Which pitfalls should we try to avoid? How is AI changing the world of work, our lives and the world? Why is critical and creative thinking more important than ever, and how can we develop these skills further??
E for Emotions. How do we feel about AI? What excites us? What scares us? What happens to us when we feel confused, insecure, frustrated, and scared? How can we handle changes and uncertainty in a conscious way, not be a victim of our emotions, but learn how to use them constructively?
A for Authenticity. What does it mean to be authentically human in the AI age? How can we double-down on our humanity and do more of what makes us unique? How can we show up authentically for each other, build honest and trusting relationships and support each other in times of change?
C for Connection. Why is human connection key in the AI age? How can we connect more, better and deeper with each others as colleagues, friends, humans? How can we build meaningful relationships and collaborations, inspiring work cultures and communities, and a sense of belonging to each other?
E for Elevate. How can we elevate as individuals, teams, businesses, societies, and the world, to create a better, smarter, wiser, and kinder world? How can we learn, grow and develop as people and teams and build thriving lives, organizations and businesses based on purpose, values, trust, growth mindsets, passion and joy?
And how can AI help us be more, not less human, as we step into this unknown territory?
“We often fear what we do not understand; our best defense is knowledge.” (Tuvok, Start Trek, Voyager)
So just start the conversation, see where it takes you, and let there be PEACE…
Do you want to learn more about “The Human Side of AI” and how to bring PEACE to your organization in times of uncertainty and change? Feel free to DM me for a chat or to book a keynote or a workshop, guaranteed to bring some PEACE and JOY to your team:)