Human Rights in Despair... Waiting for Rescue Squad ...
Danijela Jerkovi?
Ba.Sci., CA Certified Accountant, CIA Certified Internal Auditor | Managing Director at Danijela Jerkovic's Services
Have YOU ever violated or destroyed other Human Beings fighting your own?
Would You Mind Sharing Your Motives Why Did You Practice Something Like That??
All human beings are born innocent and clean, just as empty as a whiteboard. Each one of us uses that whiteboard where we take our own notes on other people's experiences and receive notes people surround us wants to provide.
At the age of 6 or 7, most of us start attending the educational system making our own choices on our level of freedom, equality, and rights endowed with reason and conscience what supposed to be good for our own good.
There are individuals/groups of people who never actually understand the difference between liabilities and rights, confusing them on purpose or by pure incident. At the age of 41, I understand that they perceive that liability to reduce or take away someone's rights (hardly earned) is the easiest liability acquired throughout their lives.
If everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or another status, having difficulties does one actually knows why, who, when, where, what to misuse or misinterpret to get your how to defend human rights.
What kind of reason could be destroying another human being so that one could be ?dominant?? ?Dominant? ... Is that the right word?!
Doesn't one think is easier to make of choice to live and work on her/his own. A distinction has been made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional, or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing, or under any other limitation of sovereignty throughout centuries.?
How does one call the policy of attacking someone who doesn't even fight?
Before the fight, there is an introduction to the fight! If you skip the introduction into the fight what is a reminder of the cause of the fight?
The right to work has been practiced as well as free choice of employment until the point of suffocation with unjust and unfavorable conditions of work and complete absence of protection during the period of unemployment spiced with numerous violations of my human rights and humiliating methods of becoming members of the household where I live invading my privacy at every step in the process.?
Haven't been in the condition of pregnancy and accordingly never used the privilege of pregnancy - maternity benefit, the most popular in Republic Croatia as an answer to insufficient money level on the bank account, used unemployment benefit two or three times during 16 years of professional experience and that is about everything I had in the country whose citizen I am, hoping not too long.
Right to life according to other people's manipulative or aggressive methods is not right to life at all.
Liberty without allowing the person to introduce herself/himself with the ?chains? is not liberty at all.
The person comes with a conclusion that isn't secure of herself/himself...
Doesn't one think that there is something seriously wrong?
Slavery or servitude evolved through centuries. Put in the context, Maslow's hierarchy of needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love, belonging, esteem, self-actualization should be a matter of personal choices.
Isn't it some kind of slavery and servitude when someone else decides what goes in every group??
If a person evolves in a certain direction by making and fulfilling personal choices, accepting every possible outcome of her own/his own choices, doesn't one think we are dealing with torture when side observers decide to point out herself/himself demonstrating more about themselves they would like to experience with any human sense??
Is it a human being prepared when someone experiences all possible catharsis at the same time and there is one taking ?first seats?, not as a side observer... more as someone waiting for her/his whole life moment to make some kind of the point??
Why does one think something changed except that one upon a time side observer waiting to experience degrading treatment or punishment in action toward person defending human rights of her own/him own?
One won't do it?!
I am already comfortably accommodated into something completely unfamiliar to me, highly and extremely degrading and there couldn't be more severe punishment than I could possibly take or imagine.
A person doesn't have any right to speak for herself/himself because of what...?
Provided shelter convinced she/he is sharing with her/his family members, who know she/he extremely well and another way around?
The Law states:
When a person experiences a penalty without the above-mentioned process occurring before the penalty is appointed with relevant participants at the place prepared for discussion; couldn't we conclude that we are experiencing the deal with violation of human rights?
We are equal before the law human beings organize ?on the street? or we should get the opportunity to meet at the place built and ¨decorated¨ for specific purposes?
How we are not discriminated against when I was nothing more than the object you moved around as you liked?! How we have equal protection of the law when is more than obvious I experience the full potential of violating my NO!
I still believe: Justice is slow and achievable.
Chi va piano va sano e va lontano!?
Never cross my mind to take justice in my own hands forgetting the fact that I was all along in the house I spent my whole life experiencing and listening to individuals constantly engaged into assignments to emphasize:
? ownership of the house without documents inside, for the house or personal documents of family members I called mother and father.;
? ownership over me calling themselves mother and father without my confirmation of that.
Society evolved with modern technology and ¨cross my heart I speak the truth and nothing but the truth¨ is only beginning. Remember and defend your truth when the whole process is finalized so it could be compared with the THINK acronym:
T - Is it Tr The statement starts with True or False!
H - Is it Honest? Is the statement supported with physical evidence or just gathering interest groups to achieve what was previously arranged?
I - Is it Inspiring? No documents exist and if not, what was an inspiration for violating the human rights of the person? Who will be the beneficiary of the house? The beneficiary doesn't have anything against putting herself/himself at disposal for establishing identity using technology evolutions provided by countries who have technology?
N- Is it Negative? Did violation of human rights have for outcome personal and subjective motives over the person who defends her/his human rights?
K- Is it Knowledgeable? Could the lesson learn to be objectivity over subjectivity or malicious speech of hate in action that went outside every proportion?
Locked into a Psychiatric institution four times (4) because I didn't have records to be arrested, to spend some quality time with myself reading just not to lose my mind without any explanation what are the rules which lock person inside for several weeks. No one talked to me except while I was receiving injections of who knows what and provided resistance allowing staff to carry me.
Keep receiving new threats about locking me up into a Psychiatric institution...
Exile is possible to support with separate and detailed papers on that topic. Have I mentioned my suspicion of identity theft? Everything in the house where I spent my whole life, points in that direction.
Entitlement in full equality to a fair and public hearing should be understood while you are practicing the scale of your voice within the household in the neighborhood as an equivalent to an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of someone's rights and obligations or it is just counting on others to share the same opinion expecting testifying on behalf of alleged parents of mine?
Human rights should remain silent in that argument respecting what exactly? Aging process? Some other position of dominance or authority??
The person defending and fighting for her/his human rights got diagnosed with delicate and temporary medical condition accompanied with malicious diagnoses provided and spread by individuals who didn't have a medical degree or medical experience at all with possession of recorded voices produced in house familiar to the person as her/his home were never ever for no reason happened anything even close.
A penal offense which is not introduced properly, respecting rules, laws, acts, and legislations in a neutral environment which is court, innocence establishing and or established after the punishment of guilt according to something more similar to ?witch hunt with the outcome to burn the witch? doesn't sound quite as the guarantee necessary for someone defense with all due respect to the beginning of the evolution of trail possibly inspired from the period of persecution and punishing witches.
Not quite sure someone has been guilty by any penal offense on account of any act or omission while she/he decided a long time ago to dedicate her/his life to reading, writing, listening, and speaking ...
... with the intention to build and develop an understanding of human beings and life situations.
Not quite convinced I haven't been served with some kind of dessert in the process of violating my human rights while I was spending most of the time of my life in and with my own thoughts speaking and commenting out loud what I felt should be discussed out loud. If it doesn't sound terrifying in a bad way then probably shouldn't sound terrifying when I repeat it anyplace in front of anybody.
There is some kind of law or legislation, national or international forbidding reading, writing, listening, and speaking nobody ever mentioned? Ignorance is not an excuse. In that case, guilty as charged.
Never heard indictment.?
I don't have privacy! People admit an experience of severely violating their human rights, first to themselves, usually experiencing a long and thorough process of losing their privacy measuring the level of common sense they are trying to keep before they start searching explanation of what is happening which then could match activities to the definition and try to find the help, they actually need not the help others offer.
If I didn't admit to myself first, how could I explain to others that it is not all about a sequence of unfavorable events?!
Same place, same address, unrecognizable sight, sound, smell, taste, and could be concluded it is still home?! Personal and professional reputation is under constant and frequent attacks, no question asked about that considering everything. Permanent damage to personal and professional reputation could be declared only if everybody proclaims guilt before the presumption of innocence.
What is the purpose of a human rights violation report if you want to stay at the same place, you experienced it?
What I don't understand in theory, usually don't have the desire to test in practice!
Staying, living, and working without any possibility to forgive and forget is not an option.
Don't need to prove to anybody how shameful they should be rather left them to live a long and private life with that what they developed in themselves. No need to testify experience of me receiving I apologize... too late for an apology and probably the right moment to say ... until never see any of them ever again.?
The protection of the law against such interference or attacks? The law made it possible to provide the frame for protection as human being decides ... in this particular situation - Citizenship replacement by process of naturalization.?
Law could only use all those books to use it as a weapon.
There are no new beginnings just because some objectivity declared that everything was seriously wrong.
Who needs a law which stops with the conclusion it was or it is seriously wrong?!
Human Rights Violation, in that case, could be discussed with someone who cares about a person experiencing maltreatment and changing in that process until the unrecognizable proportions if that would be all that takes.... someone's confirmation.
How could one with her own/his own experiences with freedom of movement and residence when it is extremely challenging if not mission impossible to find the secure path to a life without sure suicidal mission without being possible to introduce institutions where to spend time until recovery?
If the right to leave any country, including his own, is guaranteed by legal frame, that is something I want the most.
Experience with receiving on my account labels of me using bad-mouthing outcomes, receiving names calling, suffering from the process of inappropriate commenting on behalf of my physical appearance, and commenting on my personality traits and character traits while the most difficult moments of my life are going live. Listening commands how I should behave and whom I should respect due to the difference in age and forgetting the behavior that and that that difference in age demonstrated.
The person with a violation of her/his Human Rights Syndrome practice how to be polite and forget everything or dedicate herself/himself to breaking that ?chain of events? searching a way out from the environment where has been practiced?!
Being in the status of an unemployed person was imposed on me as an embarrassment. Not that I want to find myself excuses I decided with a small amount of free will I am protecting not to find employment until the change of location I lived and worked for 41 years. I consciously decided to breathe and practice everything which could be related to life processes without even trying to find employment as a protest for experiencing the same set of unfavorable measures refusing to do anything which could be interpreted that any of activities directed toward violating or destroying my human rights could be something I could live and work as a lifelong companion at the same place all over again.
Quoting Albert Einstein with Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results could only confirm what was like in my life journey. Hard and dedicated work resulted in nothing except enormous damage to each aspect of my well-being and ?health I have been familiar with? if that could be pronounced as different results.
Not quite sure I have ever discovered any biography or autobiography anyone acted like nothing happen after a severe violation of human rights in the same territory where occurs, and I sure did spend my whole life reading everything about everything. Finding someone who stayed in a territory where the experience of violating human rights has been collected is not an experience I ever had. I won't be the first to provide something with my own example!
Violating anyone's human rights is not something we can sort out.?
If I need to lead by my own example that would be how to ?reward? a country where I experience what I have been experiencing. Leaving forever and cooperating only if I have to from a secure distance as complete strangers do.
There is a lot of I could try to be the first who discovers how to explore and put in motion, where I wasn't rewarded with violation of my human rights. Giving myself time to think through what I have been experiencing, discovering the same pattern of activities affecting my life in an extremely damaging way inspired and motivated me to compile a Note of the explanation/establishment of the current situation followed up with a Request for asylum from persecution in another country Member of European Union. I had reasonable doubt that I am experiencing political persecution due to my former political engagement which finished a long time ago. It was declined and after that, I got myself even strongest and more intensive ?punches? and attacks.
My former political activity has been my contribution to better tomorrow, to a better life and work conditions in the society I lived and worked instead of something I oriented myself to embrace as a profession.
My crime has been and it is spending life working on improvement of my life standard using what the educational system offered, applying and practicing learned at working places which didn't have anything to do with criminal activities as far as I am informed. What I was provided for myself has been subjected to the replacement of everything I provided for myself so I wouldn't notice something missing.
Won't settle with those activities anymore. There won't be putting anything in the place I currently live, if I could call it living and experiencing how it is easy to take what I have worked for a whole month, the whole year, or whole working period. In other words, working for the replacement of everything I had previously provided for myself.
Neutralizing me as a person who was perfectly capable of taking care of herself personally and financially, providing me the life scenarios why I should reconsider sharing my life with just about anybody who rises hand as a volunteer is extremely humiliating for any human being and I am not the exception.??
Society of 21 century shouldn’t settle for less than Girls, not Brides until the moment they decide they want to become Brides. Boys are not Grooms until the moment they decide they want to become Grooms.
Influenced/Motivated/Inspired by nobody except Bride to be and Groom to be.
When you find yourself in the ungrateful position to defend your citizenship and nationality not having a clue there has been possible identity theft involved in the whole thing offered or forced with other nationalities in an inappropriate way to acquire as my own.
The terminology of respecting diversity is misinterpreted as it is convenient forcing me to demonstrate accepting someone as a life companion.
There are lots of aspects of diversity that do not have anything to do with nationality, citizenship, or religious beliefs.
People spending their quality time near me demonstrated a complete set of values, personal and professional as a confrontation to my own set of a personal and professional set of values built and developed throughout my whole life.
Invading someone's privacy is just one of many examples.
My nationality is Croatian as a person born, raised, and educated and never lived anyplace outside of the Republic of Croatia, obviously mistaken for someone else and suffered some kind of revenge which has been destroying my life.
I declared myself nothing but a Croatian citizen who wants to change my nationality using the possibility of Citizenship replacement with the process of naturalization.?
Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality, or religion demand the right to marry me and to found a family with me ignoring the fact and direct statement that I have no intention to marry myself to nobody while someone actively violates and destroys my human rights. Not doing anything in order to violate or destroy some other person's Right on marriage, just don’t have any intention to be part of someone’s right on marriage.?
From my standpoint what I am going through won't be taken advantage of to close the marriage with me or any other form of structure similar to marriage.?
An abuse of sensitive and vulnerable period in life.
The investigation with the purpose...
A possible sequence of events to create vulnerability...
I don't want to consider or re-consider marriage without my free and full consent in a sensitive and vulnerable period in a life-free ?environment? because of anything else except mutual love, affection, shared interests, and beliefs. Hypothetically, whatever might happen in life together I want to know and remember why I married in the first place. As far as I am concerned, everything else is taking advantage of a disastrous situation and resembles more to human trafficking:
...than a marriage proposal.
Hope that it won′t be taken personally or as an undesirable beginning of international confrontation at whatsoever level because I used information from the website which link, I attached. Could be perceived as a compliment, what it is, to their effort in an attempt to prevent the worst providing timely what is learned about Human Trafficking up till this point in time – beginning of the year 2022.
Organizing ?instant? family because I don't have any knowledge of what happened with family members of my own is not the option for me. That didn't have healing power rather destructive power. Human beings are in a sense ?walking properties¨ offering their knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide for themselves. Everything else is forbidden and under law sanctions, if it isn't given voluntarily. As far as other personal possession concerned, I'll try to accept the loss and damage but not compensate for the damage or replace anything in the same territory where is taken away from me. (For the record … Not only once.) It would be devastating to me to discover that my own family members took an active part in making my own life living hell to ?encourage? me to think of starting life and family of my own with somebody.
If I survive...
I'll introduce and meet attackers at...