Human Resources isn't a thing we do, it's the thing that runs our business.-Steve Wyan
If it's the backbone of the body that hurts, rest's functionality doesn't really matter. Similarly if it's the HR of the organisation that is displeased, nothing much much can be dwelled upon the disruption of the organisation.
Every time you demotivate an employee, you aren't just doing bad to your organisation, you may be very well damaging the reputation of the company. Trend is really changing in HR industry. Employees now less care about monetary rewards instead, their focus is now shifted towards intrinsic rewards that satisfies their need to be appreciated and recognised.
According to Gallup research, 70% of the employees feel disengaged at work. Such employees would feel they are not contributing to the objective of the organisation and their productivity would drop by massive numbers. Following are few ways to make employees feel valued at work.
- TREATING THE TEAM FAIRLY: Treating people with respect and dealing with everyone in a fair and open manner are two core elements of the journey of achieving the ultimate goal. A manager treating his team members fairly will reinforce their belief in him. Differentiating employees or presenting them as each other's competitors will only disrupt the over all output of the organisation. Managers must follow the "Golden rule": Treat everyone as you would like to be treated and the rest will fall into it's place.
- ELIMINATING LATE SITTING CULTURE: Employees MUST be given space to spend the money they earn on those for whom they earn. This is the most ignored factor in organisations and a major demotivator for most of the employees. After a busy day at work, family therapy is the best form of therapy an individual can get to get pumped up for next day at work.
- ERGONOMICS: Another overlooked aspect of workplace is Ergonomics. If your employee is not comfortable with his workplace, nothing would matter to him. The place where he would be spending at least 8 hours daily must be according to his needs and comfort in order to get the desired productivity from him.
- RECOGNITION: Everyone likes a Kudos. On one would ever say, he disapproves being recognised. A Gallup report says, 89 percent of employers feel that most employees leave their companies to earn more money. But, most workers who leave their jobs cite lack of employee recognition as a major concern. In the same report, 65 percent of surveyed employees reported that they received no recognition over the last 12 months for their work. Even a tap on the back for achieving a day's target would make the employee feel valued and would boost his energy level for the next day to come.
Sales &Marketing Manager (South)
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