Human Race is not learning !! Unfortunately !!

Human Race is not learning !! Unfortunately !!

What are the words that come to your mind when you see the title picture with two faces? Pity, human misery? Human suffering? Why?

For me it is a strong sense of revolt & curiosity of why this happens. Hence the reason to pen down this article. And intentionally I chose the title as human race might consider themselves intelligent, but we are surely not learning considering the larger perspective. And if we do not course correct, we are surely on the path of self-destruction.

The face on the left is of a young woman who was blinded and disfigured by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, 1945. The picture on the right is of a nurse battling the COVID 19 pandemic in 2020.

As I reflect on these events I can say with some degree of definiteness that neither we appreciate the value of life, nor we understand the purpose of life?

This article is being written in the midst of a lockdown, 5 weeks past and we don’t know how this pandemic is going to end. How many lives it is going take and how many scars it is going to leave in people’s lives.

As I try to answer, this is what I can state.

Some of the finest physicist of the world J Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Leo Szilard, Hans Bethe & others invented the atom bomb.

Julius Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist and professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. Oppenheimer was the wartime head of the Los Alamos Laboratory and is among those who are credited with being the "father of the atomic bomb" for the role in the Manhatan Project, the World War II undertaking that developed the first nuclear weapons.

In August 1945, the weapons were used in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the first and only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict. In both the cities in had killed 50,000 to 60,000 people instantly when the bomb exploded.

Oppenheimer later remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.

Listen to this YouTube video where he says "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds". Particularly observe his cold eyes.

Dr. Oppenheimer, was the father of the atom bomb. Please see this next YouTube documentary on his life. He was an eccentric genius. Dr. Oppenheimer was one of the best physicists and he read the Bhagavad Gita (One of the sacred text books in Hinduism). Yet such a devilish creation

He was extremely brilliant, a Harvard Graduate in Physics and Chemistry, worked closely with other great physicists like Albert Einstein, J J Thompson and Ernest Rutherford.

However on the other side he had a very unstable mind, extremely socially aloof and awkward & since he was very brilliant, he built that arrogance around him. It was a lethal mix of supreme intelligence, minimal emotional or social intelligence and very high ego.

Another great Physicist Albert Einstein stated – Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the universe.

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Being a part of the team which created the atom bomb he proved himself right on the stupidity part.

75 years later we are in 2020. Now with the Wuhan Virus, which is coined as COVID 19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) has a similar parallel. This has become a pandemic in matter of months.

As on 26 April 2020, COVID 19 has infected 2,8 million people & killed 202,000 worlwide and we don’t know the end.

Recommended watching this documentary movie on the virus, tracking down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

Though not proven but a flu virus engineered in Wuhan Lab in china by spiking the S protein on the surface of the Corona Virus (found in bats) to make it possible for the virus to become transmittable from animal to human and now human to human. People are suffering from flu like symptoms which complicates to pneumonia & eventually leads to death.

Never seen such a flu virus that thrives in the heat of north India (> 36 degree C in mid-April) and to save the infected patients front line doctors have to wear such protective equipment’s. So many doctors and nurses have succumbed treating the patients.

COVID 19 is much more than a flu virus.

The genetic engineers who work in these labs again are brilliant and the best biologists and genetic engineers.

The question is why such brilliant people do such evil acts causing such destruction ?

The answer lies in the process on how we human beings think and act. Very logically explained in the following video. It is on the highest goal of life.

Charioteer (Intellect) controls the Reins (Mind), Reins (Mind) controls the Horses (5 Senses). While a Passenger (Soul) resides in our Chariot (Body). Wheels of Chariot are the right efforts and the Chariot runs on paths of Right or Wrong. We don’t often let the charioteer do the duty as the Self is asleep. The reins (mind) are flapping around freely without the proper inner guidance and not giving instruction to the horses (senses). Hence they wander freely down any road they feel like in response to their past memories (Chitta). The chariot (body) takes a beating, the horses (senses) get tired, the reins (mind) get worn, and the charioteer (intelligence) gets lazy. The passenger is completely ignored and the journey of life is miserable for self and others around us (i.e. our immediate family and society we interact with). The senses (Horses) gets directions from feelings like Lust, Greed, Fear, Ego etc. And the whole direction the life takes is a mess.

A messy mind creates a messy life for oneself and others. There is a need of an illumned intellect that guides the monkey mind.

Ideally the Charioteer (Intellect) needs to pick up the Reins (Mind) and should start giving the right direction to Horse (senses). This training is called sadhana (spiritual practice). It means training all of the levels of ourselves so that we might experience the still, silent, eternal center. Put the charioteer back on the job. Allow the charioteer to serve the passenger. As the charioteer (Intelligence) becomes more stabilized in being back on the job, there is an ever increasing awareness of the fact that the entire purpose of the chariot, horses, reins, and charioteer is to live a purposeful life, doing good to humanity and leaving a legacy that can be cherished.

The need to the hour is to nurture the heart equally if not more like the mind.

This can happen when our education system gets more holistic, raising questions in a everybody’s mind as early as possible on “Who am I?” and “What is the purpose of this human life?”.

Till that time these questions are genuinely addressed by each of us, we will keep seeing this pandemic again and again.

It is a genuine time to introspect, learn and course correct! But genuinely the world needs humans with larger hearts than bigger and better intellect.


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