Jyoti Jain
Marketing Enthusiast|| LBSIM-PGDM'25??||Admissions Head-PR & Communication Cell ||SEO CONTENT WRITER || DRC,DU'22
HPV is in the news because of the vaccine CERVAVAC developed by the Serum Institute of India in coordination with the Government of India's Department of Biotechnology (DBT).?
Now the government has decided to provide vaccine shots to prevent cervical cancer to girls between 9 and 14 through their schools.
This will not only be able to cover more girls but will also establish faith in parents for the vaccines.
The recommendation to include the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in the Universal Immunization Program was the basis for the decision, according to the National Technical Advisory Group for Immunization (NTAGI).
Cervical cancer ranks as the second most common malignancy in India and is responsible for about one-fourth of all cervical cancer fatalities worldwide.
According to current statistics, over 75,000 women in India die from the disease each year, and 1.25 lakh women are diagnosed with cervical cancer.
HPVs 16 or 18 are responsible for 83% of invasive cervical cancer cases in India and 70% of cases globally.
Cancer of the cervix is called cervical cancer. The cervix is the lowest portion of a women’s uterus's entrance (womb). It ties their vagina and uterus together.
The majority of occurrences of cervical cancer are linked to different HPV strains, which are transmitted through sexual contact.
Then, here comes the question of why girls between 9 and 14 need it.
If given before girls or women are exposed to the virus, this vaccination can prevent the majority of cases of cervical cancer. Additionally, vulvar and vaginal cancer can be avoided with this vaccine.?
Additionally, the vaccine protects both men and women from genital warts, anal cancer, and mouth, throat, head, and neck malignancies.
The vaccine might not work once someone has contracted HPV. Additionally, younger ages respond better to the vaccine than older ones.
To know more about the Human Papilloma Virus, its symptoms, and treatment, refer to my detailed article on
This article will learn more about CERVAVAC, India’s first indigenously developed vaccine for cervical cancer.?
Cervical cancer kills one woman in India every eight minutes, according to Dr. Smita Joshi, the principal investigator for the Serum Institute of India's HPV vaccine research.? Though Cervical cancer is treatable if discovered early and treated successfully, she said.
In collaboration with the Department of Biotechnology of the Indian Government, the Serum Institute of India, located in Pune, created Cervavac.?
It all started in 2011 when Dr. M. K. Bhan, who was the DBT's secretary at the time, put the vaccine development project into action.?
Since then, DBT has done site visits and hosted 30 meetings of scientific advisory committees to help evaluate the scientific merit of the entire vaccine development process.
On July 12, 2022, the Drug Controller General of India approved Cervavac's market authorization.
Is the CERVAVAC effective?
According to Dr. Rajesh Gokhale, HPV vaccines are offered in two doses, and research has found that the antibodies that form after both are given would last up to six or seven years.?
According to him, the cervical cancer vaccination may not need booster shots as Covid vaccines do.
The HPV vaccines previously offered in India were made by foreign companies and went for between Rs 2,000 to Rs 3,500 per dosage. This was almost impossible to get vaccinated for low-income families and burdensome for the middle class as well.?
Cervavac, expected to cost between Rs 200 and 400, will be substantially less expensive. Additionally, it has shown a strong antibody response that is more than 1,000 times higher than the baseline against all of the targeted HPV strains, in all doses, and in all age groups.
CERVAVAC protects by producing antibodies against the HPV virus L1 protein and is based on virus-like particles (VLP) comparable to the hepatitis B vaccination.
L1 main capsid protein self-assembles into particles that resemble viruses (VLPs). Due to their great immunogenicity, VLPs form the foundation of the current HPV vaccines. Infectious entrance is mediated by cell attachment by L1's conserved characteristics.
In what way is the vaccine given?
Dr. Gubbala of the Apollo Cancer Centre said that the HPV vaccine is given as follows:
Vaccination is important to protect oneself from this deadly cancer. Get the shots as soon as possible and spread awareness.?
Hence, A 200 INR vaccine may soon save 2 lakh lives.
Two effective methods for avoiding cervical cancer include screening and immunization. Less than 10% of Indian women are screened, and there is still a lack of knowledge among women regarding the prevention of this illness.?
Even if they don't have any symptoms, all women aged 30-49 must get screened for cervical cancer and have their teenage daughters vaccinated against HPV.
Vaccination through schools is one of the best decisions by the government to cover the maximum number of girls and spread awareness.
RSBS Intern at Apellis Pharmaceuticals I Graduate Student (MSRA) NEU I Student Member @RAPS I Biopharmaceuticals I Biologics I Medical Devices
1 年Great insight!??
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1 年Salute to all medical staff, research teams, scientists to come with this live saving vaccine. Beat Cancer, Lead Generation Jyoti Jain Thank you for sharing this live saving news.
Content writing is my Life-line?? ||Nurturing nature with love & care???? ||At the end of the day.. I'd rather like to have a lot of stories to tell, than a full bank account????
1 年Great news