Human Nature Vs Mother Nature
Human beings have always been in control of nature, even when using WhatsApp!
Humans Beings love to control, with Digital Computers they control electrons of atoms in nature
Mother Nature also loves to control, the electrons in nature control human beings through computers and that is why humans find their lives in binary mode nowadays.
Thesis of this Article
With Quantum Computers, Humans will gain greater control of nature and vice versa for mother nature.
Its time for humans to explore more of Mother Nature and Our Present Universe.
The most raw form of our understanding of Nature, should start with an understanding of a Divine God and should proceed further.
From God to the Smallest Quark (Proton - Atom - Matter Trinity)
To get you started, here is great video of three geniuses of the 20th century
Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Arthur C. Clarke - God, The Universe and Everything Else (1988)
I will now proceed to present the summary and highlights of this video with this thesis in mind.
I hope you join me...
Big Conclusion: The living standards of humans have changed not their purpose.
The purpose of life is to seek truth like these men in the above video.
What's Truth ? Truth is the understanding of YOUR reality.
# [00:15]( The Mysteries of the Universe
Section Overview: In this section, Professor Stephen Hawking, Dr. Carl Sagan, and Arthur C Clarke discuss the mysteries of the universe and man's exploration of space.
## Introducing the Speakers
- [01:08]( Stephen Hawking is a brilliant mathematician who has risen above his disabilities to become a teacher and author.
- [01:28]( Arthur C Clarke is an inventor who envisioned communication satellites before they were technologically possible.
- [01:49]( Carl Sagan sent man's first messages to the stars aboard NASA space probes.
## Seeking the Ultimate Theory
- [02:11]( Stephen Hawking is searching for a grand unified theory that would explain everything in the universe.
- [03:45]( He believes there is a reasonable chance that we may find a complete set of laws by the end of this century if we don't destroy ourselves first.
- [04:11]( If we do find a complete unified theory, it would be simplified and taught in schools so everyone would have some idea of how the universe works.
## Encouraging Curiosity
- [04:34]( According to Carl Sagan, school systems discourage fundamental questions from children instead of encouraging them to explore their curiosity.
- [05:21]( Arthur C Clarke writes science fiction to inspire people to become scientists and astronauts.
# [06:05]( How Did The Universe Start?
Section Overview: In this section, Professor Stephen Hawking explains how he believes the universe started with a big bang.
## The Big Bang Theory
- [06:05]( Distant galaxies moving away from us suggest that they must have been closer together in the past. This means all galaxies must have been on top of each other about 15 billion years ago in what is known as the Big Bang.
- [06:37]( Anything that happened before the Big Bang could not affect what happened after, so time began at the Big Bang.
- [07:06]( During the# [00:15]( The Mysteries of the Universe
Section Overview: In this section, Professor Stephen Hawking, Dr. Carl Sagan, and Arthur C Clarke discuss the mysteries of the universe and man's exploration of space.
## Introducing the Speakers
- [01:08]( Stephen Hawking is a brilliant mathematician who has risen above his disabilities to become a teacher and author.
- [01:28]( Arthur C Clarke is an inventor who envisioned communication satellites before they were technologically possible.
- [01:49]( Carl Sagan sent man's first messages to the stars aboard NASA space probes.
## Seeking the Ultimate Theory
- [02:11]( Stephen Hawking is searching for a grand unified theory that would explain everything in the universe.
- [03:45]( He believes there is a reasonable chance that we may find a complete set of laws by the end of this century if we don't destroy ourselves first.
- [04:11]( If we do find a complete unified theory, it would be simplified and taught in schools so everyone would have some idea of how the universe works.
## Encouraging Curiosity
- [04:34]( According to Carl Sagan, school systems discourage fundamental questions from children instead of encouraging them to explore their curiosity.
- [05:21]( Arthur C Clarke writes science fiction to inspire people to become scientists and astronauts.
## How Did The Universe Start?
- [06:05]( The universe started with a Big Bang about 15 billion years ago when all galaxies were on top of each other.
- [06:37]( During an inflationary period after the Big Bang, the universe expanded rapidly by billions of billions percent.
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