Nature of Human!
The end of the great philosopher confucian of chaina was approching.
His disciples were sitting around his bed.
One of the disciplens spoke, "Master Give us a message when you are brething your last momentums."
Master said, "Before giving the final massage you look in my mouth and cheak my mouth in tongue is safe or not?"
After look into mouth disciples said, "your tongue is completely safe"
So now, you look in my mouth and cheak my tooth is safe or not?
Again look into the mouth disciples said, "you don't even have a single tooth in your mouth.All the teeth have fallen!"
Master asked, "where did all the teeth go?"
Had a tongue with birth and the teeth came later. Yet the same teeth did not remain in mouth! All teeth have fallen,
That is surprising!
The disciples could not answer anything , Why did the teeth fall and the tounge remained secure even after the teeth came out?
Disciples could not answer anything!
At the master was said, "I will tell yo reason, The tongue is soft so it is presint and teeth is hard and strict that's why it destroyed."
Disciples understand without explaination.
Those person nature is soft, he is good and those who are hard and strict, he is vile!
That's why Man should not be harsh in his nature but be gentle.