Human Mind and How to reprogram it

Is It Possible to Change the Mind???


Yes; it is possible to change the mind. Rick Hanson, a clinical psychologist at the?University of California, Berkeley, stated that an individual can become capable of?training their brain to work for them instead of the other way around. He says that?there are exercises that you can perform to boost your mood levels as well as im-?prove the quality of your life.

Fortunately, even though the human brain tends to sway towards negativity, it is?still flexible. It can be reprogrammed or rewired. Thus, you can go from being?angry or sad to being happy and optimistic in just a few seconds. For example, you?can focus on the way simple things make you feel happy. If you keep doing this,?your brain will get used to triggering happy thoughts.

The people who are the happiest are not those who have had the fewest problems?in life, but rather those who are able to see the goodness in every situation. Like-?wise, the people who are the most successful are not those who have never en-?countered failures, but rather those who keep moving forward in spite of adversity.


Reprogramming the Mind??


Your brain is actually like a computer. It can be programmed to work the way you?want?it?to.?You?have?your?conscious,?unconscious,?and?subconscious?minds.?Your?reality is based on them. Learning how they work can help you improve the way you?think and behave.?Sigmund Freud, an Austrian psychologist, popularized the concept of these three?levels of the mind. Imagine a triangle. Its tip can be regarded as the conscious?mind. It takes up very little space. You can also think of the conscious mind as an?iceberg. Only a small portion of it can be seen above the water. Your conscious?mind merely represents ten percent of your brain’s capacity.?There is a slightly bigger section beneath this tip. It is known as the subconscious?or the pre-conscious mind. It represents about fifty to sixty percent of your brain’s?capacity. Then, there is the unconscious mind, which occupies the rest of the trian-?gle’s base. It takes up thirty to forty percent of the available space. Because it is?deep and vast, it cannot be accessed by conscious thoughts. It is comparable to?the depths of the vast ocean

Your conscious mind interacts with your inner self and the outside world though?thoughts, physical movements, writing, speech, and pictures. Your subconscious?mind controls your memories. It keeps in touch with your unconscious mind,?which acts as a storage for memories, including repressed ones. It is through your?experiences and memories that your behaviours, beliefs, and habits are formed.?Your conscious and unconscious minds communicate constantly through your?subconscious mind. Your unconscious mind provides meaning to your inter-?actions. It also communicates through your emotions, dreams, imaginations, and?sensations.

You can think of your subconscious mind as a RAM. It stores information so that?the processor can easily and quickly access it. The RAM is much faster than the?CD-ROM and the hard disk.

Then, you can think of your unconscious mind as your hard disk drive. It is where?all your experiences and memories are stored. Everything you experienced, felt, or?thought of since you were born are found in it.


Your Conscious Mind

?The conscious mind does not fully develop until you reach adulthood or maturity.?So, when you were little, you were not yet able to measure and test the information?that you get from the environment.

Your conscious mind can direct your focus as well as create fantasies. Even if the?subconscious mind has a stronger sense of awareness, the conscious mind is still?the one that gives out orders. So, if you consciously think of negative things, your?subconscious will deliver negative memories and feelings.


Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind works constantly. It stays aware of its surroundings at all?times. Each second, it absorbs over two million bits of data. Unlike your conscious?mind, it does not get overwhelmed with such a huge amount of information.?Your subconscious mind actually filters out the information that it receives. It only?delivers the ones that are necessary so that you can perform your tasks efficiently.?Then, it communicates results to your consciousness through emotions, sensa-?tions, reflexes, feelings, dreams, and images.


Your Unconscious Mind?

Your subconscious and unconscious minds are actually very similar. Both of them?deal with memories. However, your unconscious mind is much deeper than your?subconscious mind. It stores all of your deep seated thoughts and emotions. It?also stores traumatic experiences and memories that you have blocked.?Psychiatrists and psychologists refer to your out of reach thoughts as unconscious. These thoughts are really out of reach of your consciousness. None-?theless, they can still be remembered through hypnosis and other psychoanalytical?methods. They can also be triggered by certain events.?If you really want to make significant changes into your life, you need to work on?your unconscious mind. However, this level of your mind is the most difficult to?get into.??

Rules for Programming the Subconscious Mind


The following are the rules for programming the subconscious mind:?

1. Know what you want.?

It is crucial for you to determine exactly what it is that you wish to improve. You?need to be rational and specific. Then, you need to focus on making it happen. You?should refrain from focusing on other things. If you have multiple goals in life, you?should focus on achieving them one at a time.?


2. Identify subconscious patterns that prevent you from achieving your?


?Once you decide to achieve a certain goal, you need to identify the obstacles in-?evolved. What is it that hinders you from having it? Have an honest conversation?with yourself. If you cannot identify the obstacles on your own, you can seek help?from other people, such as a therapist.?


3. Practice subconscious shifting techniques before you sleep and upon?

Waking up.?

The most ideal hours to practice these techniques are early in the morning and fif-?teen minutes before you sleep at night. You can practice them right away when you?wake up. Your mind is still fresh in the morning.?Likewise, you can practice them before you sleep so that you can relax your mind.?During this time, your body starts to calm down and your muscles start to loosen?up. Your heartbeat also starts to slow down while your breathing starts to be more?at ease. Your entire system starts to achieve relaxation and your brain begins to?produce alpha waves.?According to researchers, your brain waves slow down during the fifteen-minute?window between sleep and wakefulness. It is during this time that your subcon-?scious mind opens up to receive messages. With every second, seven to fourteen?electrical waves or alpha waves are produced.??


How to Send Messages to the Subconscious Mind?To effectively communicate with the subconscious mind and embed positive new?beliefs into it, you should do the following:?


1. Make use of metaphors.?

Metaphors can have a significant impact on the subconscious mind. This is the?reason why commercials, movies, books, and plays often use metaphors to convey?messages to the public.?To effectively reprogram your subconscious mind with metaphors, you need to?incorporate music. You should use soft, pleasant, and relaxing music to calm your?brain. Listen to this music every single night. Put your music player on repeat so?that you can feel relaxed. Refrain from using music that can make you stay alert and?awake.?You can also use alpha brainwave music.?

Once you achieve a deep state of relaxation, you can start communicating with the?subconscious mind. Instil new messages that can prompt you to achieve growth?and development.


2. Take deep breaths.?

Taking deep breaths is another way to achieve relaxation. Simply inhale through?your nose and exhale through your mouth. When you inhale, you should count for?three seconds and allow the air to fill your lungs. Let it go to your stomach, and?then observe your stomach expand.


3. Use guided meditation.?

Guided meditation is done with the help of a therapist. During your therapy ses-?sions, your therapist will help you meditate, relax, and rewire your mind by giving?you instructions.


4. Sleep peacefully every night.

You will condition your subconscious mind to have negative thoughts.?Thus, you need to relax your body and mind before you go to sleep. Think of the?good times in your life. Be grateful of the blessings that you receive and anticipate?more blessings to come your way.?


5. Count backwards.?

Rather than count from 0 to 100, you should count backwards. Start from 100 and?move towards 0. After every ten counts, remind yourself that you feel good. An-?nounce that you love yourself or that you feel relaxed. Say something positive?about yourself.


6. Make use of subliminal messages.?

Subliminal messages refer to visual or auditory messages or affirmations that are?presented below the normal limits of visual or auditory perception. They can cir-?cumvent the conscious mind as well as its vital functions. So, if you want to?achieve a certain goal, you should use these messages to influence your mind.


Chapter 3: Actionable Steps to Reprogram the Mind?

?Thoughts are nothing without actions. Even if you have an idea of what you believe?you deserve, you will not get it if you do not take the necessary actions. Do not?sabotage your career, finances, health, relationships, and wellbeing by getting stuck?with unhelpful thought patterns.

1. Make a decision.?

This is the first step that you have to take. Decide on what outcome you want to?have. You need to be crystal clear with what you want to happen. You need to have?a vision of how you want your life to turn out. The clearer your vision is, the faster?it can turn into reality.?


2. Make a commitment.?

Once you identify what you want, you need to commit yourself to attaining it. Get?rid of your anxious thoughts, doubts, and fears. If your commitment is stronger?than your doubts and fears, you will surely be able to reach your goal.?Fear is actually one of the biggest obstacles that you can have. It can prevent you?from taking action and achieving anything. You may have a variety of fears, such as?fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and fear of?pain. All of these are not helpful to your wellbeing. You need to face them head on?so that you can get through them.


3. Make a resolution.?

After making a decision and a commitment, you have to take a hard look at your?current situation. Observe where you are in life. Determine what you get from your?actions. Instruct your mind to assess what works and what does not. When you?make a resolution, you have to find a solution to the problems or obstacles that?you encounter.


The following disciplines should be practiced on a daily basis:?


1. Keep a gratitude journal.?

According to researchers, practicing gratitude can make your brain healthier.?


2. Recite positive affirmations.?

Positive affirmations have been featured in various studies. In all of these studies,?the researchers have found that positive affirmations can indeed rewire the brain.?Such rewiring modifies the way the brain filters stimuli; thus, causing it to produce?positive moods.

To start practicing positive affirmations, you have to go to your mirror and look at?your reflection. Look yourself in the eyes as you recite your positive affirmations?loudly. Make sure that you hear the words clearly. This way, your brain can better?react to what you say.

Motion creates emotion.?

When you change your physical state,?you can change the way you feel. His Priming Method is all about this principle. To?practice it, you have to sit down and close your eyes. Then, you have to place your?hands over your head.?Take deep breaths for about thirty counts. However, you should only breathe in?and out through the nose. For every breath you let out, you should bring your arms?down and make fists. Once you finish three sets, you should feel self-love and gratitude. You should also?start planting healthy beliefs and thoughts into your mind.?


3. Practice visualization.?

According to Buddha, you can create whatever you imagine. Just like affirmations,?visualizations can effectively rewire your neurons as well as attract the feelings and?thoughts that you want.?Each day, take a few minutes to sit down and close your eyes. Visualize the career,?lifestyle, and/or relationship that you want. Imagine how you will feel when this?turns into reality.


4. The Demartini Method

This method can change the structures of your brain, such as the amygdala and the?hypothalamus. They are the ones that cause you to feel aggression, fear, and guilt.?Each time you face an obstacle or challenge, you can ask yourself certain questions?to help you deal with the situation. For instance, you can ask what good thing you?can get out of it.?If you make this a habit, you will be able to go from cynic to optimistic. Asking?yourself what good you can get from every situation will immediately make you?search for the brighter side.


5. Surround yourself with people who supports you

While you cannot always choose the people you interact with, such as your family?and co-workers, you can still choose your friends. So, you should only go with peo-?ple who share your interests, support your dreams, and make you feel good about?yourself.


6. Ignore your negative thoughts.?

Even the most optimistic person can harbor negative thoughts. These thoughts?can suddenly pop into your head. Whenever you notice a negative thought in your?mind, you should do your best to ignore it. Do not acknowledge it.


7. Build up references.?

If you have a couple of conflicting beliefs about yourself, the one that has the most?references will take over. In other words, the belief that feels the truest will even-?tually become your truth.



So, if you want to get high grades in math, you need to get high scores on your?tests. To get a high score on your math test, you have to believe that you can do it.?You have to study well and practice solving math problems as often as you can.?This will give you confidence. When you feel confident about your skills, you can?get a high score on your test. Once you get a high score, you will confirm your be-?lief that you can get high grades in math. This will build up reference in your mind.?Patience and persistence are crucial. You need to spend a considerable amount of?time to build up your references. For instance, you need to spend hours practicing?a certain skill to master it. You need to read numerous books to learn about some-?thing. Time is a key element for reprogramming your mind.

Vedanti Bhoyar

Node.js & Express.js Developer | TypeScript & JavaScript Enthusiast | MySQL & Jenkins Practitioner | Passionate Problem Solver Seeking Growth Opportunities

1 年

Amazing ??

Suraj P. Malpani

Data Analytics Manager at Nike

2 年

Great article, Tejas!


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