Human Flourishing: Expression
This past week I pressed pause and allowed myself to wake when my body was naturally ready to rise, I limited my technology time, I took naps when I felt tired; I walked, meditated, read, and allowed my body to rest and rejuvenate. During the first few days my mind raced. I felt uneasy and uncomfortable taking a break. By day three I began to relax into non-doing and was reminded of the gift in relaxation and retreat. I woke up feeling rested, my body felt strong, my mind naturally gravitated towards creative ideas, and a sensation of inspiration bubbled up in my body. I felt ready to give again.
I am learning to listen to my body, to balance an inner and outer awareness, to express my needs, to set healthy boundaries, and identify those things that deplete and replenish my life energy. My intention is to integrate key practices into my daily and weekly schedule to help ensure I am creating from a place of balance and calm. My expectation is not perfection, rather to make empowering choices aligned with the truth of who I am.
Here are key practices I desire to uniquely express in my life:
- One-half hour of meditation followed by a daily mindful walk
- Sinking into awareness and bringing this sensation into my daily activities
- Reading inspiring text and journaling what I am learning, feeling and sensing
- Engaging in whole body movement, if it is yoga, Tai Chi, or trail running
- Eating food that energizes my body and makes me feel good
- Listening to my body, feeling my emotions and bringing awareness to my breathing
- Engaging with people who are kind, respectful and willing to share vulnerably
- Expressing my purpose work and helping others
- Trusting my inner wisdom and bringing heart-centered awareness to my choices
It is through simple practices integrated into my daily schedule that deepen my experience of who I am, replenish my life energy and actualize my soul purpose. This post explores your unique expression in the world. So, let us begin.
Activity One
Bring your attention back to your breathing. Breathe naturally. Allow your eyes to close and continue to focus your attention on your breathing. Scan your body and notice what you are experiencing. Greet any feelings, thoughts, emotions and sensations with understanding, curiosity, self-acceptance, compassion and non-judgment. For three minutes be with whatever arises and bring awareness to your breathing. When you are ready, open your eyes and notice how you feel.
Take a few slow and deep breaths and close your eyes again. Notice any tension in your body and allow this tension to melt away. Bring your attention to your lower abdomen and breathe into this area of your body. Imagine your life energy pooling in this area. Allow this energy in your abdomen to bubble up into your solar plexus and into your heart-center. Breathe into your heart-center and rest in this sensation.
Ask yourself: What does the experience of wholeness feel like in my body? Notice what you feel, and breathe into this sensation. Allow this sensation to fill your entire being, and absorb this experience into each cell of your body.
Activity Two
Free-flow write in your journal answers to the following questions: What am I experiencing in this moment? What depletes and replenishes my life energy? What is my unique expression in the world? Breathe into what you have written and connect with your heart.
Continue to explore your unique expression and what you need to flourish:
- From your current perspective free-flow write in your journal, the story of your life up till today. When you complete this activity notice what stands out to you. Now, write the story of your life from the perspective of your 90-year-old self, looking back on her best life. Notice how these two stories are similar, or different. From this day forward know you are the hero of your story, crafting each chapter as you move through your days. Ask yourself: How is life living me? What advice would my 90-year-old self provide?
- Craft a list of deliberate practices you desire to uniquely express in your life and integrate these practices into your daily, or weekly schedule. These practices will help you flourish and create balance in your life. Identify what you need to overcome inertia, and reach out if you require additional support.
- Take a silent, one-half hour mindful, and brisk nature walk. Feel each step as your feet connect with the earth. Engage your whole body and all your senses. Bring moment-to-moment non-judgmental awareness to each step. Once you have completed your walk, find a spot and sit. Observe nature for one-half hour, or longer and absorb the sun’s powerful energy. Set a timer, and during this time suspend any reading, writing, texting, talking, or taking pictures. This time is about experiencing our natural world in silent observation. Take off your shoes and socks and place your bare feet on the ground and breathe into your lower abdomen. Close your eyes and imagine with each breath your life energy pooling in your abdomen. Allow this energy to bubble up into your solar plexus, heart-center and fill your entire being. Abide in pure awareness and allow your edges to blur. Bring a sensation of calm to the rest of your day.
- When you first wake up connect with your heart and take a conscious breath and ask yourself the question: Who am I? Listen for the answer. This is not a role, or position you play, this is about accessing the truth of who you are, your essence. Now ask yourself a second question: What do I desire? This is not about acquiring more possessions, this is about accessing your heart’s desires. Ask yourself a third question: What is my purpose? Listen for the answer. Now ask yourself a fourth question: What am I most grateful for? Continue to ask these four questions: Who am I? What do I desire? What is my purpose? What am I most grateful for?
- Identify five people in your life who you trust, who are empowering and support your worthiness. Ask these five people for feedback regarding the following questions: What do you see as my strengths? Where do you see me having the greatest positive impact on the health of our human community? What is my intended, and unintended impact?
- At the end of your day, and as you lie down to rest close your eyes and connect with your heart and review the day as though you are watching a movie. Notice how you are showing up. Notice non-judgmentally. Ask yourself: What am I not expressing in my life right now? And, what do I need to express with no intention to harm?
- If you have not taken a real break, which includes disconnecting as much as possible from the distractions of your outer world, commit to creating space to rest, replenish and renew.
Next we will explore human flourishing and insight.
Kristan Nielson is a certified coach and consultant. She is the owner and operator of PeopleLead, and has provided 20,000+ hours of consulting, training and coaching services to leaders in small, medium and large organizations. She creates connection, asks the hard questions, challenges the status quo, inspires great leadership and helps organizations and individuals thrive.
A New Narrative - Embracing Our Evolution | Thought Leadership in Regenerative Economic Systems | Founding Canadian B Corp | Championing Stakeholder Governance
6 年Thanks for this Kristan!!? These are great additions to my contemplative practice.