Juri Czabanowski
Dr. in History of Architecture & Art & Urbanism | Visionary Historian 'Sustainable Architecture'
Juri Czabanowski, Human-Ecologically Minded Housing, Architectural historical study (1945-2000), Chapter 9: Final Conclusions, § 9.2 Recommendations
Photo on cover Ph.d.-thesis: Above: the northern wall of houses-in-row (2 rows of 6 houses) is closed like an Middle Aged city-wall to reduce the noise of the provincial street N810; little windows to insulate northern cold; under: the southern side of the houses is opened to enjoy the sun-light to enter into the living-rooms to spend warmth and energy as passiv solar energy; two different sides of Castle-project by Architects Arcos at Zevenaar NL, enrgy-concept of passiv solar warming, 2 rows of 6 houses realized 1994-95
WHAT has been changed, realized since 2006? Actual reactions are given by the author between brackets [Cza 2018]
TRANSLATION [Czabanowski 2006, 328-330] and ACTUALIZED RESEARCH
[CZA 2006] Following three sections are commited to recommendations. After reflection of then be given. 21 recommendations will be summarized for ‘buildings-in-process’ in vinex-locations* in charge in 9.2.1.
The policy of the Vinex (Vierde Nota Ruimtelijke Ordening Extra) is finished, later than planned by the government caused by the financial crisis at 2007. The Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (Ministry of VROM) pointed out large outer city areas for massive new housing development: accommodation for the increasing ‘Dutch’ population VROM-policymakers determined a number of main points. Construction of new housing districts had to be placed near existing town centers in 1993. Since then the praxis ‘Vinex-location’ or ‘Vinex-wijken’ started. The promise to diminish the unfair pricing of housing is partly succeeded: shortage of affordable housing remains. Lower incomes can’t move. In average only 25% are realized in social sector of rental homes, available to households with a lower income. Strategy started to move wealthier households to the more expensive Vinex-locations. The prices of vinex-homes raised since 2016 after disaster of financial crisis.
An example vinex-location Ypenburg, Den Haag. One of the greatest and most successful vinex-settlements with 10786 homes and 26.795 suburban citizens [source: Vinex Atlas]. Angelique Mergler visited Ypenburg and reported her article 'Ypenburg, Vinex-wijk tussen ambities en alledaags gebruik' in ArchiNed 15-12-2011 [Mergler 2011]. Her impression of Hageneiland; a game of experimental housing and anonymity, between diversity and uniformity. The experiments are adventurous in form and color.
YouTube shows 'post-vinex'-project Deelplan 20 of Ypenburg The Hague, 2017. This settlement is 'free of aesthetics committee' (Welstandsvrij), with spots for building groups (bouwgroepen), a growing phenomenon of 'building together- living together' to stimulate community by building together [Czabanowski, social ecology, doctorate thesis 1992; 1995].
Concept of Vinex-Settlement
'Vinex-people' are in general pretty content; in average families of middle-class with two jobs. Their grown-up youngsters are less content, being bored in a pure residental suburban area. "Vinex-settlement is the Dutch housing-concept of new towns, situated in the suburbian area between 1995-2015; realized conform the policy-plan of approach, so called 3-stair plan conforming a convenant of Tommel, Secretary of State of Ministry of VROM, to build step-by-step more sustainable settlements; a postmodern reference to Howard's garden city concept of 1898: family-houses for relaxed living in a green surrounding" [Czabanowski 2018]. Only the self-support for food-production has disappeared, replaced by gardening. The industrialisation of food in massproduction started in Europe as part of industrial revolution: the 2nd agricultural revolution as feudal system had to be competitive with hi-tech industrial agriculture of machines and later gen-tech cultures worldwide. In times of economic clashes people return to nurtitious or vegetable gardens (principle of 'Schrebergarten'; Dutch volkstuin). Transition Town Movement refers to more self-support and resilience in a post-oil age [Hopkins 2005]. In newspaper Trouw 29-8-2016 the urban-designer Riek Bakker quoted:"In reality these new towns are a blended success". With respect, but question still arise: for Who? The 1990s were a golden age of abundance, large investments in great projects (fr; 'grand projects') by 1st 'purple coalition' (social-)demacorates and liberals: PvdA-D'66-VVD). City-planners of 21st century warn to repeat this vinex-concept for the next coming 1 million houses to build untill 2040. Suburban sprawl with mediocre denstity will take again lot of green area, transform it in cultural green space, a mixture of built and natural environment. Existing eco-systems will be broken. Some experts in same Trouw-article don't want to offer again plenty green area in the suburbs for housing. Expansion of cities across the urban borders, creating suburbia, is transformed into compression. The concept of higher density in urban cities since 2010s, plan of returning housing into city-centers, next to higher density in existing vinex- should and would be practical policy of next future in of 'Futourism 21', an integral sustainable (city)building for bearable and resilient co-existential society as life-supporting and -carrying community, society of participation called [Czabanowski 2018].
The trend and reality is to restore and increase the density in urban area: the revitalization and creation of the compact city. The next policy-plan was the return of civil population into the left inner cities. Updating older urban parts and buildings started, like the former industrial zone of Philips. Industrialisation of 20th transformed into 'urbanalisation' or 'urbandustrial' of 21st Century. Eindhoven becomes an example of transition town of an industrial city towards an intelligent city the economy of knowledge anchored in high educated area (reward: 'smartest' region of world in 2011); see coming: recommendation 2 .
9.2.1 Twentyone recommendations for vinex-locations in the 21st Century
1. Offer a building- and living(work)programm in which all criteria and wishes are integrated: health, safety, energy-saving, water-saving, accesibility, adaptibility, flexibility, environmental consciousness and usability. These 9 ‘scenerios’ should be offered as one integrated living(work)- and buildingconcept in the future.
[Cza 2018; Nearly all scenarios are realized in new towns and urban homes. About healthy homes concerning Buildingbiology. The impact of Building-biologists is growing being educated at post-academic institutes, known for instance as 'Fernlehrgang' in Germany. The cure to use bio-based materials increase and the engagement to use human-based products and materials, gained under healthy workconditions and fair trade. Congresses and conferencrs are dedicated to the sustainable turn, to turning point, prof. Jan Rotmans called 'Kantelpunt' being by 'kantelaars' (eng: turners); see article Czabanowski: Futourism beats Escapism, beyond Postmodernism; Image of Article-Cover is painting by William Turner as 'Turner towards Industrial Age' Please see:
Building-Advisor Dipl.Ing. Holger Wolpensinger builded a splendid overview of sustainable and eco-settlements spread over Germany on website by one click on map and Europe[Holger Wolpensinger]; updated website of sustainable settlements and portal of sustainable research in German, and Europe
[Anke van Hal, Ger de Vries, Joost Brouwers]; Opting for Change, Sustainable Building in the NLs; a brief Odyssey of Dutch sustainable settlements:
Czabanowski, Wolpensinger, Van Hal and De Vries and many more illustrade the success of the movement of social (human)eco-minded and sustainable settlements, started as experimental way of alternative livings worldwide as model for the 21st Century way of living(s), the Futourism 21. The Tiny House Movement is an aspect of within this alternative housing and living.
[D’Amico 2017]; Since financial crisis 2008 experimental housing is in lift supported by ‘alternative’ ways of living like ‘tiny house’-movement. An alternative for renting. Prices for residents in city-center has become nearly impossible to pay: the prize of space in highly urbanized has been exploded. Ph.D. Christina d'Amico researched this US-movement, now worldwide spread phenomenon of 'tiny houses'. It is still too expansive for lower class, the prize of a tiny house in Canada will cost still between self-build $ 30.000 - 80.000. She argues only a global reform for residential ownership can make this sustianable-conscious concept to a worldwide success for all! Being involved in plan-building-housing process as engaged participants and collective decision reforms building and housing market. A contemporary phenomenon of 'less is more' in sense of 'economy and lifestyle of enough' against mass-consume. Regarding increase of world-population everyone should fit his/her/its position of social and ethical behavior co-sharing the planet. The competition-stress as 'survival of the fittest' leads to burn outs, a lunapark of mass consumption to a household of plenty and overcrowded confusion. What is really important in once life?
The size/scale of the measurements of a tiny house differ worldwide: from 120 m2 in US, Germany 60 m2 to 48 m2 in the NL! In NL since financial crisis arised a growing interest for building groups, like already existing in Germany, where the height of ground-costs are very high. People build together helping each other to reduce building costs; known as social ecology as researched in doctorate thesis 'From Theory to Praxis: following steps within ecological architecure' [Czabanowski, Catholic University of Nijmegen 1992; University of Technology Eindhoven, revisioned edition '95].
An increased amount of collective building-groups (germ: Baugruppe) can be observed in the NL, like the Earthouse settlement in Olst (NL) after concept of selfbuilder Michael Reynolds in the 1970s in USA, and projects 'Iewan' by architect Michel Post and selfbuilders with strawbales and permacultured gardening and the more generation project 'Het Eikpunt', with 3 collective social rent appartments and 9 private houses, situated in Vossenpels, Lent-Nijmegen (Nl), realized between 2015-'17. 'Community building' is the keyword of this kind of housing, related to co-housing principle of sharing things, time and interest with all members. The community as stone-corner with 4 pillars 'more generation community'-'sustainability'-'silence and (self)reflection' -'community-building', offering an alternative to the family. A tendency to social reform of becoming 'Commons' as self-conscious and spiritual-minded citizens in the 21st Century.
[Ben Goosens];
Het Eikpunt, more-generation project, community-building, ecology & sustainablity, silence & reflection; togetherness
[Czabanowski 2011]; Dutch Article 'Mondial Metamorphosis by Co-Existentialism, Necessary Transition towards Sustainable CO-OPerative Community, Lifestyle for Healthy Restore'; brief translated summary; "Look at human Mankind as integral process of growth. Sustainability as (circle- and cycle) process in progress. Our Common Futural Housing 2012: Sun Cities Beyond the end of the year 2012 a new Age will start conform the Maya calender; refering indeed to the New Age Movement in the Sign of Aquarius, Age of Transition: FUTOURISM 21! The prophecy/prognose announces a prosperous Age of thousands years of more Light and Love, comparing with the Messias Jesus Christ in Sign of Fishes: this prospect sounds enlightened. Perhaps there will be finally be learned after thousands years of confusion and wander(ing), a great human Odyssey. Of discovery and developing too. Deliberated of the darkness by enlightenment in Europe in 17th Century and an on-going Second Worldwide Enlightenment by movements, manifestations like Occupy, the Arab or Jasmine Revolution since 2011, citizens be aware and conscious to change frozen dogma's and conserved privileges like class systems; leaving the cave (allegory of Plato) towards the (solar) light, the worldpopula-tion will be(come) as and live in light-creatures like transparent chrystals and glasscubes, open homes, domes and palaces of glass called 'Alpine Architecture' by architect and urbanist Bruno Taut [Taut, Die Auflosung der Stadte, 1920] will open the minds and eyes of their residents situated and housing in Sustainable Sanadomes in Sun Cities (see City of the Sun, Heerhugowaard), solar-oriented cities and world citizens (cosmopolitans) as light-carriers (Luceberts) and Sun-bathers (Sport in fresh and open Air, Airobics): 'mens sana in corporo sano'. Keeping in touch and good condition 'body-soul-mind'. The transition from a fossile energy based society towards a 2nd solar society has started according to Swiss scientist Baccini in 2000. A post-oil society. This 2nd sun-oriented society is to a reduction of an average primary energy-use of 6000 to 2000 kW pro person pro year." The author doubt Baccini's thesis, being aware how much electricity in general one single person uses and continious explosion of gadgets and exponential amount of produced electric artifacts/electronics and their use worldwide. Not the amount of energy-quotes are most important, but the way this energy has been aroused, explored, produced and consumed by users, reusers. Futourism 21 provoke synergy of renewable sustainable energies gained by fair trade and play and taking care to biodiversity, no profits without ethics and esthetics [Czabanowski, EEER-report, 2006], but human (People) and environmental (Planet) interests first, a symbiosis by co-existential society driven and based on human- and eco-systems: TECHNO-Existentialism (Model will be explained soon)!!
See: About Ethics: Allegory of the Cave Plato! and his Story of the Mate end of this article.
2. Ecologize the giant amount of house-storage into the last state of art and praxis with effective sources like the Belgian urbanist and architect Lucien Kroll. He brought 50 elements in one basket to recreate and transform older and quarters into more human- and environmental friendly and so stop decline and destruction. Let inhabitants participate to speak out their dreams. If decline ends and positive results are visible, they will be prepared to support this positive turn, save their habitat with care in the future.
[Cza 2018]; This recommendation has become a great followership, even famous architect-offices who see the in restoring the old(er) and saving the architectural DNA of our ancestors, mainly in the past a domain of Monumentenzorg (monumental heritage): see as mentioned under ‘recommendation 1’ Philips industrial zone along the railway station Berkenlaan and Eindhoven CS, De Spoorzone-project. Recreation and revitalization by transformation of earlier industrial into a residential zone with many activities for all residents living in urban lofts. A splendid example of urban-sociologist Richard Florida view of positive effects to revitalize urban decline by the creative class [Florida 2005]. Disadvantage of creative class: the spots become popular for high income (young urban professional; yup's), the prices rise, social lower clas has to leave; global phenomenon: urban citizens havte to be educated and well-paid to permit themselves a residnetial in center. Urban living has to return in human and social habitat of differentation like more generations and multicultured, of refreshed combi of ideas, concepts and green living-systems.
2. Ecologize the giant amount of house-storage into the last state of art and praxis with effective sources like the Belgian urbanist and architect Lucien Kroll. He brought 50 elements in one basket to recreate and transform older and quarters into more human- and environmental friendly and so stop decline and destruction. Let inhabitants participate to speak out their dreams. If decline ends and positive results are visible, they will be prepared to support this positive turn, save it with care in the future.
[Cza 2018]; this recommendation has become a great followership; famous architect-offices are interested in restoring the old(er) and saving the architectural DNA of our ancestors, in the past mainly a domain of Monumentenzorg (monumental heritage):
Reuse of 28 ha Philips Industrial Park: transform into new urban center of Eindhoven, ‘Urbandustrial’, urban loft, work and recreation, culture, sport and traffic.
[Sint Trudo 2012];
[Sint Trudo 2017];
3. Information-exchange concerning innovation functions well if this will be done with much care.
[Cza 2018]; Time-limits and stress still are the causes of irritations or disfunctional living in a house, missing information. Frustration of wrong or non-functional innovations are the result of all miscommunication wherever; we live in a multicomplexed world with mass-info called big data, typical for an economy of knowledge! Handling of info is a priority to hold overview.
4. Define terms precisely to realize the goals of a sustainable development within the housing sector.
[Cza 2018]; ‘Sustainability’ often is called container-term, not being strictly defined it has an advantage being still a process without limitation or dogmas, disadvanage having less to hold on; the author introduced the term ‘sustainstability’, an integral approach to link several sustainable together becoming a stabile sustainability. It could position the validity within building sector; the term itself has become standard and sustainble components are irreversable integrated in building-programme and praxis.
5. Take position to a clear vision concerning sustainable (city)building: it is necessary and desirable to afford a successful contribution to create a sustainable society in the 21st Century.
6. Environmental consciousness should lead to essential environmental trade and behavior related to building and of housing.
[Cza 2018]; more often interdisciplined teamwork with expertise realizes extraordinary results: there is a giant potential of knowhow, even if financial resources are limited.
7. Invest extra attention in positive effects of healthy and vital (city)building.
[Cza 2018]; there is obvious more attention to build more specifically, using less toxic building-materials, still there is much to control and to protect. People are good willing, some are for several reasons hard learning, some just don’t have choice, be(com)ing servant of corrupted systems; [Greenpeace-WNF, Milieu-defensie 2007]: Warning study of Platform VVNH: approx. 50% wood was illegal, Indonesian 80%; 50% of it (25% of wood totall!) was used in building sector! Conclusion: Local people need to have land to cultivate food.
Their existence is stolen by big companies, like palmtrees plants for bio-fuel; mostly less-fortinuted poor without any rights [in spite of UN declaration of Human Rights 1948] are the victims of violence and misuse of power! Not always is ‘bio green’ and ‘green really green’; the so called ‘green revolution’ at 1970s had leaded to success catastrophies as well. Good intentions does not lead always the wright solution; wisdom is long-term learning! Only if all participants are content there is really reached’ full house’ success, becoming satisfied long-term winners!
Addition to recommendation 7: Invest extra attention in positive effects of healthy and vital (city)building by taking care for fair trade behavior and fair play!
Indonesian government got the message: in 10 years (2007-2017) illegal wood-cut has significant shrinked !!
8. Apply the VIBA-future quality mark (dutch: keurmerk) in level 3: on his level all existing criteria are valid conform the TWIN-Modell [NIBE 1997]; they will be enlarged with developing criteria related to health.
[Cza 2018]; The care for integration of health in building is a fundamental cornerstone of VIBA-Manifest. NIBE Naarden developed model and table-scheme to integrate health based criteria, some materials carry the ‘DuBo-keur’ (‘SuBu-mark’), info NIBE, Milieuclassificaties Bouwmaterialen, Tabellenbook 2013; VIBA-future introduced the ‘Brabant-woning’, a standard prototype for ‘starters’; the basic concept can be easily enlarged to fit in changing circumstances. VIBA-members build up a long-term experience with Building-biology (human health) and Building-ecology (vital eco-system).
9. Besides the products of this level 3 materials should obey ethical criteria in the order of criteria like mentioned in the author’s ‘Aesthetic and Ethical Report’ (Esthetisch en Ethisch Rapport [Czabanowski 2006; EER, P. 308-309] or in order of use by ideal bank-offices.*
* intended are Triodos Bank and ASN in NL
10. It exists a trend to installate a solar boiler, solar panel or PV-module in private houses/appartments. Support this trend by policy!
[Cza 2018]; run on solar and PV-modules are huge; with or without subvention, and great competition Asian PV-modules, especially from China, worldwide. The World is entering a solar-system centered society; our planet Earth is part of a solar system!; post-oil Energy transition of fossil fuel into renewable energy-layers are part of a synergy of an integral sustainable symbiosis of wind, water, biomass, and solar driven energies to support, carried by cultural and technological innovations and discoveries by human mankind. Cooperation, communication, next to control and coordination should replaced a murdering competition, introversion, next to and disorder. See CO-OPERATION-Model of Global Sustainable Society in Future FUTOURISM 21 [Czabanowski 2016]. Will be published soon!
11. Knowhow on sustainable building functions best by interaction and participation of workshops, expert-days and meetings; next to contribution of magazines. Even here counts: bridge the gap between the theory and the common experience of building!
[Cza 2018]; see examples like 1. Excursions and Workshops Strawbale Building 2. VIBA-Praktijk dagen, 4 times a year praxis.
12. Experts point that Sustainable Building (SuBu) in future needs to stimulate improvement of quality- and health, affordibility and increase of comfort.
13. Renters and buyers have to be well informed about ‘SuBu’-measures (DuBo-maatregels), see point 3!
14. Government has to navigate by introduce of a environmmental achievement index (co-efficient).
[Cza 2018]; The Dutch Milieu Effecten Rapportage (MER) will be replaced by the ‘Omgevingswet’ (Environmental Law) approx. 2021; it will reduce rules to give more ‘space’ (interpretation and implemention) for functional variation of an area, like residential units and windturbines in industrial zone; more important will be to fulfil the local criteria next to national on environmental laws. Sustainable development and transition have still priority. ? Ruimte & Milieu ? Omgevingswet
15. Government has to offer an extra budget and record sustainable rules of building to guarantee human-ecologically minded housing.
[Cza 2018]; Financial crisis is over: governments should invest extra in human-ecologically minded housing because it will save costs in medical care and environmental sanation and renovation next to energy-savings, together huge amounts of taxes to re-invest in public education and care sector.
16. Stimulate experimental straw-building: a huge contribution to sustainable building.
[Cza 2018]; let’s be sure it is without toxic herbicides! Reuse of straw would save a lot of CO2-emission caused by burning straw as pollution.
17. Add the innovation of PV-modules in optima forma.
[Cza 2018]; see 10!
18. Add the health-classification of houses (in Dutch GCW: Gezondheids classicificatie voor Woningen).
[Cza 2018]; Indoor-climate and indoor-conditions are of increased essence: people in general stay 80-90% indoor their life long (house-traffic-work-hotel etc.) See Tabellenboek NIBE: Gezondheidsclassificatie woningen (GCW):
19. Policy-makers of Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM) are briefly asked to recommend the sharpened and extensive criteria of Human and Environmentally friendly and conscious Supporting Rules Inclusive the Ethical-CHECKLIST (dutch: Mens- En Milieuvriendelijke Ondersteundende Regels Inclusief de Ethische, short MEMORIE-CHECK, to bring the SuBu-development on a higher level, the SuBu+ (DuBo+)
[Cza 2018]; The EER-report for Aesthetical and Ethical principles is part of the Ethical Rules as helping checklist; Ph.D.-thesis 2006 P. 308-309, 318. Translation and explanation will follow in postdoc research.
20. During and after the building-proces an independent, qualified team should take control at the spots of fabrication-, and building by checking if the and wished criteria are fulfilled by checking (with help of MEMORIE-CHECK).
[Cza 2018]; Many checklists for sustainble (city)building have been developed; MEMORIE-CHECK is an control-application for suatainable as integral overview.
21. An independible controling check-institute has the authority to refuse ‘wrong’ materials and move in the building-licence till they are replaced by sustainble alternatives.
Use MEMORIE-CHECK and EER-report!
The earlier quoted pronuncation “We don’t serve the rules, the rules serve us in the best case” (“Wij dienen niet de regels, de regels dienen ons in het beste geval”) got in this case a true validity. If the MEMORIE-TOETS (CHECK) will be followed by all participants in the building sector there will be realized a more healthy and more environmental conscious way of building and housing and more clean and ethical way of behavior and trade. A very pretty prospective, that perfectly is linked to the principles of the Brundtland-report, Our Common Future (1987).
About Ethics
Values and norms don’t come back as matter of course! As quotated journalist Maarten Bril once suggested: “Nothing is self-evident” (“Niets is vanzelfsprekend”). And nothing should be handled as self-evident, as if it is a pure formality. The of the government for instance: “Decency you have to do” (“Fatsoen moet je doen”) is according the author a less successful phrase. There is too much attention 'to do' and 'to have' (a must); in my opinion i’m more interested in giving the good example in behavior and showing more interest and understanding, both being more important to restore in honour good manners and gentlemanschip. “Prevention is always still better than cure!” Knowing to unlearn something costs ten times as much than learning. This wisdom counts in case of people and their behavior as much as for the maintainance of cultural heritage.
Prof.dr. Wil Derkse, professor of Science, Society and Life appreciation (Wetenschap, Samenleving en Levensbeschouwing) attachted at the Radboud University of Nijmegen has written a short article ‘Not by business management only’ … Orientation of values and in government and management’ (‘Niet bij bedrijfsvoering alleen…Waardenori?ntatie en voortreffelijkheid in bestuur en management’) published in the book Krachtenfusie in de inrichting van Nederland [de Rooy 2006].[i]
Derkse makes a plea to embrace virtues like ‘excellence’ (dutch; voortreffelijkheid’). Virtues are connected to ‘habitus’, behavior. What is of value one observes by an other. Values have to be shown by others (politicians, parents, sportmen, artists etc. being aware and conscious of their exemplary role and position), norms are able to learn.
‘Virtues could be function as links between values and norms.’ Values aren’t capable to express in numbers like norms. In norms values do express themselves in a concrete way conform Derkse. Values should be cultivated and carry over. Derkse refers tot he beatiful metaphor of Plato ‘The story of a mate’ (Verhaal van een stuurman), being a part of Plato’s State. Plato examines the orienting of sources of value. In an uncertain searching world excellent mates and governors are needed who map out the visionary course. They accept their great responsibility and orient themselves to guide the society in the correct direction. They stay on the ship and don’t leave to give the leading. They obey under all circumstances the promises they made.
Prof. Paul van Tongeren, professor in Ethics, started an applied course ‘Applied Year Study Ethics’ in 1997, for graduates at several Dutch universities and highschools. According to Van Tongeren many more ethical questions arise in our age. The function of ethicists could be to help people to find answers for their ethical questions.
The American architect Kevin Roche refered to the great responsability an architect and engineer carry when he received the Pritzker Price in 1982. Roche:”To build well is an act of peace.”[ii]
Sources of Literature
[i] [Rooy de, Derkse 2006]; Ad de Rooy, Krachtenfusie in de inrichting van Nederland, fysica van samenwerking II, bijdrage Wil Derkse, Niet bij bedrijfsvoering alleen, Waardenori?ntatie en voortreffelijkheid in bestuur en management, p. 132-145, Diemen 2006.
[ii] Remark in article of Michiel van der Velden ‘Ethisch bouwen, een aanzet tot discussie’, in Cheops Bouwkunde TU/e 1999, 57-58.