The Human Cohesion Project — 6 Dec 2021
Rukmini Iyer
Leadership Facilitator & Coach | Peacebuilder | Board Member | Vital Voices Fellow | Rotary Peace Fellow | Ashoka Changemakers Awardee
It is the last day of Hanukkah. It happens to be on Dec 6, in 2021. Dec 6 is a strange day for Indians. As a child growing up in suburban Mumbai, I remember it being observed with great devotional fervour as the death anniversary of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, the father of the Indian constitution. He was a born into a Dalit (lower caste) Hindu family, and after years of study and inner work, chose to convert to Buddhism as an act of personal and social reform. He did so firmly, courageously and peacefully. Even today, millions of people throng to Mumbai every year on this day, almost as if they’re on a pilgrimage, to the site where he was cremated, back in 1956.
And then there was Dec 6, 1992. The demolition of Babri Masjid by right-wing Hindu groups was perhaps one of the most unconstitutional acts committed in the country, ironically. And some of those groups who participated in the demolition and the months of riots that followed, form the country’s government now.
If life could recognise irony, would it let certain events happen? When Judas Maccabeus led the revolt against Antiochus (the resulting victory led to the institution of Hanukkah as a tradition), it was a response to one of the darkest times in Jewish history where not only was a foreign king attempting to suppress freedom of religion by Hellenizing the Jews, but a lot of Jews had also begun to support the oppressor, out of fear, terror and frustration. Ironically, the descendants of Judas went on to form the Hasmonean dynasty. In a few decades, that dynasty became the very Hellenists against whom the Maccabees had fought.
As we light the last candle of Hanukkah tonight, I pray we choose to break the cycles of trauma we have been spiralling in, for centuries.
What cycle are you ready to consign to the flames?
Happy Hanukkah! May we collectively heal from all that keeps us apart.
#RukminiIyer #TheHumanCohesionProject #Interfaith #Peacebuilding