Human capital, finance capital and social capital

Human capital, finance capital and social capital

Even though lately more and more studies on women entrepreneurship and difference made between female and male executives and efforts are made on many sides, differences women are nevertheless underrepresented in leadership positions and self-employed to a lesser extent.

In women business , according to Lauxen Ulbrich / Fehrenbach they are three different Independence-related resources that play a major role. Which includes:

Human capital, finance capital and social capital

Human capital is important, as one Potential co-workers must have experience and the necessary training to be able to to found and run a successful business. Women, however, point still due to vertical segregation in working life deficits in the Experience in management and leadership positions. This vertical segregation is often referred to as a "glass ceiling".

Occupational segregation does not affect women in their decision to start a business only through experience deficits but also in the choice of the industry. Contacts to people in management positions and entrepreneurs are important for obtaining information and the exchange of experience in successful ones Ups. Women therefore have a disadvantage compared to their male Colleagues, since women have a lower proportion of such persons in their have informal network. This is largely due to women generally taking lower positions and / or titles than men in the hierarchy and receiving lower wages.

As shown in our study, there is a dense informal network important for a successful start-up. The importance of Networks in the start-up phase of companies. In a business start-up study, we found that there are few key differences between the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful start-ups.

In particular, in the factors of information utilization, organizational effort and push factor in the start-up phase are crucial for a successful Business start-up.

However, it is also known that the good educational attainment of women is not yet reflected in their presence on the executive levels of the economy and their self-employment rate is only about half that of men. There is still a lot of room for improvement here. The fact is: advice is worthwhile. Companies that are well prepared to start their own business better chances to assert oneself on the market. However, it is also true that counseling is all the more effective the more precisely it is tailored to the target group. An efficient and competent consultation knows the founding behavior of women and men, knows the relationship between social role assignments and traditional career choice behavior, knows start-up motivations, company sizes, network activities and their effects on business development opportunities. It considers these specifics not deficit but resource-oriented and offers suitable answers to different questions.


