Human being vs. human doing: rediscovering the balance
Ruhee Meghani
Founder—Allied Collective | LinkedIn Top Facilitation Voice | Creating brave spaces for authentic wellbeing and inclusion through workshops that drive lasting organisational change.
I realised I was doing more than I was being, when I couldn't have my morning coffee without scrolling on my phone. Upon further reflection, I realised I tied my worth to my output, productivity, and how much I was 'achieving' in a day, and when doing nothing or relaxing brought with it waves of guilt.
In today's fast-paced and achievement-oriented society, it is common to see people valuing busyness, productivity, and constant action. We have become so focused on doing that we often forget the importance of simply being. The dichotomy between human beings and human doings raises questions about our priorities, well-being, and the meaning of a fulfilling life.
The age of human doing
Modern society thrives on productivity, efficiency, and measurable outcomes. We are bombarded with messages that encourage us to constantly strive for more, to do more, and to achieve more. We are caught up in a never-ending cycle of busyness, juggling numerous responsibilities, and pursuing external validation. Our self-worth often becomes tied to our accomplishments, leaving little time for introspection, self-care, and connection with others.
The neglected art of human being
In the pursuit of constant action, we often neglect the art of human being. Being present, self-aware, and mindful of our surroundings and emotions is essential for personal growth, inner peace, and fulfillment. However, in our society's emphasis on doing, we often overlook these crucial aspects of our existence. The ability to find joy in the present moment, cultivate meaningful relationships, and develop a deep understanding of ourselves is overshadowed by the relentless pursuit of external goals.
The balance: nurturing the human being
Reconnecting with our human being nature requires intentional effort and a shift in mindset. Here are some ways to nurture our human being side:
The integration of human being and human doing
The key lies in integrating our human being and human doing aspects into a harmonious balance. Instead of viewing them as opposing forces, we should see them as complementary parts of our lives. By bringing mindfulness and intentionality into our actions, we can infuse our doing with the qualities of being—presence, authenticity, and purpose. We can pursue our goals and ambitions while maintaining a deep connection with ourselves and others.
Rediscovering the balance between human being and human doing is a vital step towards leading a more fulfilling and purposeful life. It is in the moments of being—when we pause, reflect, and connect—that we find true meaning and contentment. By nurturing our human being side alongside our human doing pursuits, we can cultivate a life that is rich in experiences, relationships, and personal growth. Remember, it's not just about what we do, but who we are becoming in the process.
Ruhee (she/her) is the founder of Allied Collective , an inclusive facilitation agency helping organisations achieve their inclusion and wellbeing goals.