Human Authenticity in the face of Digital Feudalism
Neil Gentleman-Hobbs
A giver and proven Tech Entrepreneur, NED, Polymath, Real Private AI and Circular Economy (community wealth building food, metal & energy hubs).
Overhyped AI technology claims, deep faking and, you and your data as the marketing machine target, all threaten our agency, free thinking and, our very human conscientiousness. Take a step outside the matrix with me and let us feel free to be.
I am fortunate enough to be able to love the natural circles of my life, a Venn diagram of cats, dogs, family, friends and foes - positive energy and life forces are where you choose to find them, in people, places, flora and fauna.
Not so natural, but essential under the current system is income based, is income. Income or salary is a flow, linear not circular, we give, take and consume based on the ultimate linear model of like take make break and waste. All on a planet of finite resources when the tech is already there to apply alternatives, hidden within the 9 Rs.
That pyramid is so much better than this one.
Time to join the dots, close the loops and together, by street, community and city we must start to move in the right circles. Not the corrupt political false trickle down way, but to push up at grassroots level using what we know and who we know. Using and sharing best practice in the fundamentals and knowledge we step outside the digital matrix and then take one step at a time to build back better. Our natural world will like that and help us.
I am fortunate to have an involvement in three circular not-for profits, two in food and one in tech, all of which hone fundamental problem solving skills that you cannot get from a smart phone. Aside tech recycling and digital inclusion at food is perhaps an even bigger elephant in the room.
In a world increasingly driven by digital dependence and economic inequality, Sow Study Sustain, the simple act of growing food within a circular community model, holds the potential for revolutionary change. It is low tech human thinking, based on necessity is the mother of invention.
Micro farms, growing hubs or even simple green space community gardens, especially those embracing sustainable and circular principles, are seeds of a different kind of wealth - one that nourishes bodies, builds connections, and fosters a deep sense of belonging in a world that often feels disconnected.
The Power of Community Food Plant Micro Farms:
The Sow Study Sustain Link to Circular Growing: Closing the Loop
Sowing the seeds to feed our minds as well as bodies
Let's deep dive into the way community gardens impact mental and physical wellness by helping everyone to move in the right circles:
Mental & Physical Well-Being: Nurturing Body and Soul
The Digital Detox, Reconnecting with the Real:
In conclusion: The Seeds of Change Lie in Your Hands
Sow Study Sustain style micro farms or community gardens are more than just plots of land; they are incubators of transformation. They address real-world issues of food insecurity, isolation, and disconnection from ourselves and the natural world. But their power lies in your collective action.
The time to disconnect from the digital matrix and reconnect with the earth, with community, and with our true selves is now. Embrace the power of community gardens to grow a better world, one plant at a time. The Sow Study Sustain Community wealth building vision is about pushing up together in the face of cloud capital and monopolised supply chains that are taking the natural and nutrition from our food.
But the power and energy is in the hearts and minds of the many not the digital feudalism run by the few.