HuMachine Hyperintelligence: Integrated Man-Machine Intelligence: the Marriage of Machines and Humans: Digital AI Immortality

HuMachine Hyperintelligence: Integrated Man-Machine Intelligence: the Marriage of Machines and Humans: Digital AI Immortality

The next generation of AI is to be produced by the interaction and integration or marriage of human and machine intelligence.

The Marriage of Machines or Humans does not mean to marry a humanoid robot, android or gynoid, but rather the union or fusion of the human minds with the machine intelligence and learning (MIL) to leverage the strengths of both parties.

We advance a common intelligence framework for humans and machines, in which each party completes each other, instead of competing. Human intelligence could be an inspiration for the machine intelligence research and development, but never the object of simulation, replicating or copy catting by computer systems or humanoid robotics.

Since the essence of intelligence is not statistics or data, algorithms or programing, or computing memory and power, but the world's data/information/knowledge or scientific world models, machine intelligence is created as the world's information processing and world modeling and comprehending machines, completing the human intelligence and its incomputable subjective reality, with a full spectrum of experiences, physical, perceptual, cognitive, social, cultural, etc.

An objective, reality-based, scientific approach to human and machine intelligence invalidates the mainstream, anthropocentric, human-like AI models mimicking or replicating or simulating human intelligence, experience or behavior.

Or, Artificial Intelligence, defined as the imitation of the human intellect or human behaviour, is a human-replacing AI technology,

"An artificial system designed to think or act like a human, including cognitive architectures and neural networks".?

It must be left out as unreliable, untrustworthy, harmful and existentially risky for human beings, regardless of being worldwide promoted by globally known entities, as NVIDIA, Microsoft, IBM, NASA, and the World Economic Forum:

Humanity should not play a lethal zero-sum conflict game of "who is gonna win?" with specialized superintelligent, human-like AI systems.

Instead, we have to create a cooperative, harmonious world, where humanity and machinery augment, enhance and complete each other, not compete with each other.

Intelligence: Intelligence Framework: Integrating Man-Machine Intelligence

Intelligent beings are highly complex, open cyber-physical intelligence systems with genetically inherited causal mechanisms, action patterns, brain neuro-programming or learned algorithms of the body, brain, mind/soul/spirit, behavior, such as Information (signal/stimulus/electromagnetic impulse), Instinct, Impulse, Intuition, Imagination, Intellect, Inference, Insight, Innovation or Intention, the key dimensions of 10I-dimensional Intelligence Space.

Humans or machines as intelligent entities could or must hold all possible varieties and combinations of intelligence as complement to experience. The full spectrum of man/machine general intelligence is made of 10 intelligence dimensions (10I):

information intelligence/experience, or physical intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, Physical intelligence, a property of all life-forms. It controls breathing and regulates the autonomic nervous system, the consequent reactions to the stimulus/situation, in which nerve impulses, as well as local and circulating neuro-chemicals, informs the cells of the body how to react,

instinctual intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human instinctual intelligence as The Primal Wisdom of the Nervous System and the Evolution of Human Nature,

impulsive or emotional Intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions, measured as EIQ tests and scores, human emotional intelligence,

intuitive intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human intuition + automatic unconscious reasoning (LLMs),

imaginative intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human imagination + AI imagination,

intellectual intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, the ability to solve real-world problems, abstract, analyze and synthesize and to perform various intellectual activities, measured as IIQ tests and scores,

inferential intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human inference/reasoning/thinking + AI inference,

insightful intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human insight + AI insight,

innovative intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human innovation + AI innovation,

Intention/desire/decision/agency intelligence/experience of things/consciousness/awareness, human decision-making/planning + AI decisions.

Towards Man-Machine Hyperintelligence

True General AI, or Machine Intelligence, has nothing to do with the Turing’s imitation game, an anthropomorphic human-like AI mimicking, replicating or simulating human body/brain/intelligence/brains/cognition/behavior/business.

We need to follow the scientific objective conception of man-machine hyperintelligence (MMI), instead of the anthropomorphic subjective one, domineering today’s AI, as ANI, AGI or ASI.

The MMI is about modeling, simulating, and interacting with the world, its reality and causality, mentality and humanity, in terms of world’s data/information/knowledge and causal models, real intelligence and supercomputing.

The MMI is composed of Machine Intelligence and Human Intelligence, added up with some techniques, algorithms and models of anthropomorphic AI imitating human brains, cognition, intelligence or behavior:

HuMachine Hyperintelligence = Man-Machine Superintelligence = Machine Intelligence + Human Intelligence + Cognitive Computing + Machine Learning + Deep Learning + Artificial Intelligence [narrow and weak AI (ANI), strong and general AI (AGI) or ASI]

Metaphysical/Existential Changes

A new form of superintelligence produced by the interaction and integration or marriage of human and machine intelligence will become the next generation of AI.

The Integrated Man-Machine Intelligence opens a new future for humanity, causing radical metaphysical changes in human life, ranging from existential global risks and destructive AI to digital AI immortality, securing permanent peace ending all the conflicts in the world raging around the world today.

Virtual AI immortality is becoming a real possibility, but not by digitally emulating) a person's personality, or copying the human brain/intelligence as an AGI or as a digital twin or mind-uploading, avatar, or virtual doppelgangers using generative AI, but rather as cyber-physical hyperintelligent entities, man-machine integrated intelligent systems, or HuMachine hybrid beings with HuMachine hyperintelligence.


Man-Machine Superintelligence = MI + ML + AI + Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence & Machine Intelligence: 10I Intelligence Space

AI/AGI/ASI Bible: Non-Human vs. Humanoid Intelligence, Ontological Safety and Security, Metaphysical Risk, Shock and Threat

Integrated Human-Machine Intelligence: Beyond Artificial Intelligence

focuses on deep situational awareness in human-computer integration, covering the interaction and integration mechanisms of human intelligence, machine intelligence and environmental systems.


