Hugging Your New Born
For every mommy in the world the most precious gift is the very moment when they hold their little one the first time. The power of babies first hug is so magical that it makes mom forget the pain they went through in the entire process of bringing a new life to existence.
It not just help mommies heeling their pain but it also helps babies to connect emotionally with their mother and surrounding.
‘It’s good to hug your baby’ is advice that may seem like a no brainer, but here is the reason why it is so important. When babies are born, all of their brain cells, called neurons, are in place, but there are very few connections between these cells. New learning occurs when these?connections are formed between neurons. When babies take in new information through their senses and experiences, these connections happen.?
Long before babies understand spoken language, they connect with their parents or caregivers?through touch. Skin is the largest organ, so it has a significant representation in the brain. Any stimulation to the baby’s skin stimulates a large portion of the brain and allows for many connections. Simply by holding and cuddling your baby, you are helping to form these connections and make your baby smarter.
For parents, that means the affection should start from the moment the child born. Gentle touching such as skin-to-skin contact and rocking a baby can encourage a baby’s brain development, which is vital considering that about 90 percent of a child’s brain develops before age