The huge value from involving line managers in the design of learning events

The huge value from involving line managers in the design of learning events

Andrew Gibbons in a Podcast episode conversation with Rebecca Norton

Summary of content with timings?

00.10?Line managers are the key stakeholders in any sort of event in any context.?

00.35?Currently Andrew is speaking with line managers of all learners on a multi-national programme.?

01.10?During the design of the above, I wanted the first element to be line manager engagement.?

01.20?I am getting their thoughts on strengths to build upon and specific priority development needs.?

01.30?This has made me reflect that I just don’t do enough of this, and especially not from the outset.?

02.05?It’s been a very positive exercise – I can think of many times in 40 years when it would not have been.?

02.30 ?Too often in the past line managers in contrast, have been disinterested and obstructive. ?

02.50 ?It’s great when I feel I am working with and for line managers, and that we are working collaboratively.?

03.00?It’s very encouraging for me – I like working in this way.?

03.30?The more involved line managers are from the very earliest stage the better.?

03.57 ?Line managers help me determine and differentiate development needs with in a learner group.?

04.20?Line managers are critical stakeholders in this process – return on investment or not, is in their hands.?

04.40?If you exclude them they can make this not work, if you respect and involve them, then it works!?

04.55?I am expressly and intentionally speaking with line managers in advance of contact with their people.?

05.25?Learners know this is happening – there is transparency and all know conversations are confidential.?

05.50?A lot of clients wouldn’t accept this additional cost – it’s good to see the value recognised and paid for.?

06.20 ?So what do you see as the advantages and benefits of involving line managers in this way??

06.40?I get context, operational perspectives, and a respectful contact of value during programme delivery. ?

06.55?Line managers are engaging positively, and showing interest – I am going to do more of this!?

07.55?Past rather less positive experiences with line managers has not always been great – it deters.?

08.55?Poor line managerial attendance at the launch or end of physical events shouts ‘not important!’.?

09.30?I am making a point of encouraging a dialogue throughout delivery of the programme – not a one-off.?

09.45?It just feels so good to be working with line managers, not in their absence.?

10.00?If have to sell the benefits of involvement to line managers I am disappointed – I shouldn’t have to.?

10.30?I feel the positive line management engagement I am getting suggest there is a felt need for this.?

11.30?I had no idea what I’d learn, about the organisation, its context and challenges until I started on this.?

11.50?Normally I only have the ’learner channel’ – this gives me stereo capabilities on many relevant issues.?

12.20?This makes me realise the vast amount I don’t know that can be helped by line managerial input.?

13.00?Contact and dialogue with line managers is helpful in that learners know of that interest in them.?

13.30?In this organisation many positive circumstances exist – where this doesn’t happen expect resistance.?

14.25?This isn’t usual, it’s not typical engagement and interest, it’s great to be in this when it’s happening.?

14.30?This is giving me a greater will to at least seek to do more of this I the future.?

14.50?Brief line managers in advance of a contact so there is no need to start from a blank page.?

15.35?In the past I have chosen not to make contact with line management because I don’t trust them!?

15.50?Attempts at engaging line managers in less positive organisations would have been a waste of time.?

16.30?Forty years into my learning and development role I ask myself: ‘Why don’t I do this more often?’.?


One of many noted recordings available to members of my website.?


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