A Huge Drama Just To Put Air In A Car Tire

Anywhere you live in the world, if you drive a car or a truck, tires lose air pressure and need to be pumped up. The electronics in many cars now give you a warning when tire pressure is low in some tires.

????When I was a young man, there were full-service gasoline stations. One pulled in. An attendant would come and fill your car with gasoline (petrol), open the hood to check your radiator water and oil level. Your tires would be checked with a pressure gauge. If a tire was low, it would be pumped up.

????Perhaps this practice still exists in some parts of the world. In the US, we now have self-service gasoline stations. It has reached a point where either air and water are not available, or one is charged an outlandish price like $1.75 US just to get air to fill up a low tire.

????I was very generous in the Christmas gifts that I gave to others. I gave myself a portable air compressor to pump up tires when they got low. I had occasion to use it yesterday in the morning. It worked just fine with a qualification. The instructions were very vague. Instead of pumping up a tire that was low on air, I let more air out of the tire. I was upset and concerned. I went to two gas stations for help and got "no joy." I went to a wrecking yard where I have done business. They filled up the tire that was low. Today I go to a tire store to learn how to use my portable compressor.



