The Huge Benefits of Transitioning From The  Old Fashioned Organisation to The Next Century Organisation

The Huge Benefits of Transitioning From The Old Fashioned Organisation to The Next Century Organisation

Simon Bere Research and Development

This article, like all my writings and speaking engagements, is not a motivational piece. I speak from strategy and because of that I have the duty to tell it as it is. If you are sensitive and you have weak ego, do not get into this article. Keep away and save yourself from being wounded if some of the things I say may sound like I know deep inside or I have some detailed accurate intelligence about your, your thinking, personality, mindset and your company, organisation, business or economy. Here we want results and not stroking each other's egos. If you want someone who will flatter and pamper you and tell you how great you are and all that staff, come to me in another space or go to some motivational speakers and people who get likes by flattering people with hype and half truths. I am not interested in all that here. I am interested in your success and in controbuting to making a real difference in your life, your company, your business, your organisation, your economy, your society or your world. Is that clear?

The days of the old-fashioned organisation are numbered. Those at the front of the innovation wave are already ditching The Mechanical. Old-fashioned Organisation for the Next Century Organisation which is a 1000 times-plus more production, more successful, more strategic and more humane.

I will state here that being old fashioned is not about the age of the people who work in the organisations.

  1. Being an old fashioned is about an old fashioned organisational paradigm
  2. It is about being built on an old fashioned model
  3. It is about an old-fashioned organisational design
  4. It is about old-fashioned recruitment model and approach
  5. It is about old-fashioned induction
  6. It is about old-fashioned CEOShip
  7. It is about old-fashioned leadership
  8. It is about old-fashioned approach to corporate and organisational training
  9. It is about old-fashioned management
  10. It is about old-fashioned organisational structure
  11. It is about old-fashioned understanding and concept of strategy
  12. It is about old-fashioned approach to performance management
  13. It is about old-fashioned organisational positions and roles
  14. It is about old-fashioned team building and team leadership
  15. It is about old-fashioned appraoch theory and practice of marketing
  16. And an old-fashioned theory and practice of sales and selling
  17. It is based on an old-fashioned view of the world.
  18. It is about an old fashion design and set up of boards
  19. It is about old-fahioned mandates for the board chairpersons and board members
  20. It is old-fashioned theory and practice in branding

It is about, in short, the old-fashioned organisational theory and practice.

If old-fashioned organisations were doing as well we organisations are meant to do, I would not be bothered about it. But organisational old-fashionedness is taking its toll of Chief Executive Officers, Top Executives and staff.

  • Underperformance and massive staff dissatisfaction are the hallmarks of fashioned organisation.
  • Mechanicalsim, a condition where an organisation operates as mechanically as if it does not have human beings with emotions, a heart, and a life but brainless and heartless robots, is rife in old fashioned organisations
  • Gross underutilisation of human potential is at the heart of old-fashioned organisations.
  • Organisational cognitive rigidity, a condition of intellectual inflexibility, is one of the benchmarks of mechanical, old-fashioned organisations (MOFOs)
  • A plethora of organisational diseases afflict the typical old fashioned organisations, debilitating the organisation and causing it to perform far below it's potential. Gross organisational self-ignorance is one of the most debilitating of these diseases, followed by strategic deficiency and leadership deficiency syndromes. Take note that leadership self-deficiency syndrome in organisations is not genetic but socially inherited. This syndrome is a precursor, trigger and perpetuator of many other organisational diseases. Remember organisations operate as a gestalt or system of thoughts, people and ideas.
  • Inability to transform from being old-fashioned into next century organisations is rife among old fashioned organisation.

Talking about the endemic gross underperformance in traditional old-fashioned organisations, I refer to the research work on organisations by the Gallup Organisation. According to the research findings by this world's leading organisation on organisational performance;

  1. Only around 20 percent of employees in organisations around the world are fully engaged in their work and are going the extra mile in making things happen.
  2. As much as 50 percent of staff in most organisations are engaged only enough to keep their jobs and get a salary. They are not hundred percent psychologically engaged in their work.
  3. A whooping around 30 percent are completely disconnected from their work and are coming to work only to collect their pay, to abuse company assets and to infect others with a negative attitude that discourages full commitment to work. Now, the 30 percent is a huge financial loss to companies, organisations and business, only that this loss is not detected and does not appear on income statements and balance sheets.

Traditional, old fashioned organisations are neither built on talents nor strengths. The CEOs and HR leaders and the rest of staff in these TMOFOs would like to believe that their organisations are built on talent. The truth is these organisations have talented people, but they are not built on talent. Business leaders and HR people in many TMOFOs think they understand what human talent is but, in truth, they have no clue what it is. Most of these people also do not want to be told the truth but what they want to hear including being told that they have a correct and accurate concept of what human talent is when in truth, they have no clue. This situation creates a hopeless situation that barricades many TMOFOs in their prison of underperformance until some of then crash and disappear from the business, economic, social and organisational radars.

The best strategic decision a strategic CEO or organisational leader can make is to commit to transitioning from being a leader of a Traditional Mechanical Old-Fashioned Organisation to a leader of a Next Century Organisation. This begins with the leader deciding to be the champion for transforming her or his traditional old fashioned organisation into a Next Century Organisation. That leader can seek and get help to do so. The rewards of transitioning from being a TMOFO to a NCO are huge and unbelievably to the time and financial investment deployed in the transition effort, process and program

Feedback +263-77-444-74-38

?Simon Bere, 2024

Ticha Tamanikwa Zatta

Well rounded management professional and owner of Zatta Consultancy Limited

2 个月

Very helpful! ..Heey...This is another level buddy. Love love it.



