A Huge Announcement!

A Huge Announcement!

If you’ve been around a while… you probably heard me talk about this more than once. I’m SUPER excited this is finally happening… and I’m glad to have you be the first to know about it when it’s available. I feel like putting this out there is like sharing a part of me that people will take with them on their journey to SAFE and ABUNDANT wealth.

So here it is! I’m so thrilled to be announcing that my book is OFFICIALLY being published IN LESS THAN ONE MONTH! I still can’t get over the fact that this is happening… And I couldn’t be more grateful to all the beautiful souls who have helped me make this possible for us. Yes, for us! More than a book, this for me is a MOVEMENT. A huge leap forward we’re taking in our mission to put more money in the hands of people.

What else is included in this announcement:

  • Some behind-the-scenes stories and lessons from writing my first book
  • Tips for anyone looking to write and publish their own book someday
  • Why I think working with traditional publishing companies is NOT a must
  • Special discounts and bonuses!
  • How to get on the waitlist for when the book will be available!
  • An excerpt from the book that I’ll be reading to you inside the episode

It’s been a journey and I’m so, so thrilled to finally announce that my book is officially being published! Mark your calendars… The publish date is TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH. There’s been so much that has gone into writing this book and I’m excited to be sharing the finished work with you…?

But more than that… I’d love for this to be something more than simply the first book I wrote and self-published. I’m putting it out into the Universe for this book to be our MOVEMENT. Our huge leap to fulfill our mission of getting more money into the hands of people on this planet.

I’m choosing to make this book a milestone for our wonderful community. The RIPPLE EFFECT we will create to reach more wonderful women, entrepreneurs, and mindset junkies out there… So here’s me saying that getting a copy of this book means taking part in this mission that I’ve set out to do since day one.

If you’re as excited as I am for the launch… GET ON THE WAITLIST and I’ll send you an email when the book is finally available for purchase.

And of course…

Anyone who will be part of this movement will get more than the book. I’m sharing sweet, sweet discounts and bonuses to turn this into the celebration that it is!

Writing this book took me less than a year… blocking 4 hours one day a week for deep writing. But I have so, so much to share about my experience. If you’re planning on writing and publishing your own book someday… I’m inviting you to listen to the episode. I’m sure you’ll learn a few valuable things that will help you avoid unnecessary challenges along the way.

This includes the actual writing process. What it takes to write and edit a book. And all of the publishing ins and outs… Plus, why I think the traditional way of publishing a book is NOT a must for anyone looking to write their first book and share a part of them with the world.

Writing a book in 2024 and beyond is not the same as it used to be… There’s more than one way for experts to share their knowledge through a book. So if you’re planning on doing it someday, I highly recommend you do it. It’s such a sweet experience!

I would love to put an excerpt here, in text… But that would take away the raw experience of hearing an author read a part of the book to you. You have to admit, it’s a different experience hearing an author read their work to you. Join us in this special episode!




