Hubble constant calculations
Dr Keryn Johnson PhD MSc BSc
CEO and Founder at Quantum Technologies Limited - A Quantum Biology Regenerative Medicine Company
The expansion of the universe with the Hubble constant of 4225 (see calculations below).
Hubble constant is approximately 70 (km/s)/Mpc or 70000 m/s / Mpc
The SUSY inversion model predicts a expansion rate of 72001 m/s based on the functional relationship between √?? + √?? = 72001
1 megaparsec (3.09E+19 km) away or 3.09E+22 m /Mpc radius = 299792458 m/s and Diameter = 599584916 meters
Age of the universe 13.8E+9 light years
4.13714E+19 meters / year
31557600 seconds / year
1.30558E+27 meters or
1.30558E+24 km 1 megaparsec is 3.09E+20 km
So, the number of Mpc / age universe is 4225.180599
At the speed of light Hubble constant / Mpc age of universe = 0.986557981 Inversion of Hubble/c = 4282.7494 Slowed down by +/- 1.363% due to expansion
So, the level of energy based on the expansion of the universe is 3.8295E-122 x 4225 = 1.618E-118. As the universe expanded it expands faster the further away it is from the initial point based on the Hubble constant.?
The average between no expansion and all expansion over each megaparsec due to the symmetry in number theory and the expansion building on itself as it expands means the average of the two extremes provides the answer to the question regarding the quantum background energy in the universe due to the expansionary process of DE due to alpha particle emission from the He-BEC singularity. So, taking account of expansion based on the Hubble constant then we can consider the following calculation for the cosmic background energy (Equation 7).??
Equation 7: Background quantum energy calculation taking into account the Hubble constant expansion rate of 70,000 m/s/Mpc √(3.8295E-122 x 1.618E-118) = 2.4892E-120
The 1.618 is Phi and part of the golden ratio
This corresponds to the background energy level of the universe at the Planck length. The cosmic fluctuations have led to the background energy level because of the expansion of the universe. Due to the pairing (duality) of the positron-electron system (Baryonic symmetry) the energy is approximately double the 1E-120. This calculation is somewhat closer than what has previously been determined.??
Technology & Engineering Professional; Former Executive Director at Wisol Japan KK
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