Huawei - disappointing? Failing?
Ian Calvert
Analyst, Futurist & Influencer helping SME. SMB & Corporate Co's with AI, Digital, FinTech, LinkedIn, Social & Tech
With so many events over the last couple of months from Huawei - this is raising so many questions about them and what's happening......
Whether it's #HuaweiConnect, #HWMBBF2021, #5GrowsTogether #GITEX2021, #CodeGreen and #UBBF2021 - a huge issue is so very obvious....
And it's a dangerous one....
But for who....
Is it #Huawei?
In my opinion - the answer is no....
But it is for Analysts, Journalists, Media and most importantly Governments - they are the ones disappointing and failing BIG TIME!!
What these events have shown that whilst Huawei may not be seen/shouted about in the media (when it comes to their Mate, MatePro, Nova and (prior to the sale of) Honor brands of their Smartphone Business and their Mobile Transmission business for #3G, #4G and #5G technology) - they are not a one or two trick pony business.....
There are so many strands that Huawei have been operating for decades and yet the Media, Journalists and Analysts have been ignoring this....
this is their downfall NOT Huawei's!!
All these events have shown that Huawei truly are a leading edge Technology Company - maybe they actually are the World's leading Tech Company - something that so many have ignored....
With the US persuading so many Countries to turn away from implementing the rollout of Huawei's 5G equipment what they have done, is set 5G back possible to the early days/mid term of 4G as other providers are now having to try to sell the need/desire for 5G but they don't know how to do this...
If you look at the other manufacturers within the 5G market place, over the last three to six months, they have been heavily promoting what their equipment can do, how powerful it is, how efficient it is etc etc and yet nothing else.....
Whilst they may be shouting this from the rooftops and grabbing what "Influencers", "Analysts", "Tech Bloggers" etc they can get to share their story/news - all they are doing is playing to catch up to what Huawei showcased 2,3 and even 4 years ago.....
The same could be said when it comes to Smartphones - whether it's the camera offerings, battery life, chip processing - again, the other Smartphone Producers are just announcing over the last 12-18 months what Huawei announced 3-5 years ago.....
Is any of this important?
Well yes because whilst these companies are playing catch-up (and whilst this data is from 2018 but labelled as 2021) - Huawei is still the 5th largest company when it comes to investing in R&D
(above graphic from article dated 15th October 2021)
The reason for showing this Graphic is quite simple - if you combine many of the companies on this list, they still can't compete with the raft of products that Huawei offer.
If you had watched of these events, what you would seen, is a company that doesn't come up with single idea but an idea which I feel/believe is shared across many divisions within Huawei to create a solution.
This is why 5G isn't just about what a Smartphone can do, but what it delivers and the solutions are all worked on at the same time.
So whilst many companies are thinking and coming up with ideas on what 5G offers, Huawei were showcasing this all back around 2014-2017!
You need to read between the lines of what Huawei are saying at these events as they are laying the foundation of what #6G and #7G is going to really deliver!!
So whilst some of the events maybe not as slick, shiny and polished like other companies, Huawei is providing solutions to touch every aspect of not just our lives, but all parts of society too - this is something the MSM, Journalists and Analyst's aren't reporting as it's beyond their knowledge.
Doing some work recently within the Solar Sector, many companies in this area say that the Solar Inverters from Huawei are the best in the market (have been for years) but due to Politics and/or the clients reading about Huawei in the Press don't want to use them - something which I feel is wrong and not justified at all.
Back to my heading "Huawei - disappointing? Failing?" - the answer is no Huawei are are winning but it's the MSM, Journalists and Analysts who are disappointing and failing because they aren't prepared to challenge those are making the claims against Huawei?
Because positive news about Huawei doesn't create the headlines like negative news does and as a result, it's the Consumer, local business, major employer in your area that are the one's suffering....
As afterall, why would the Media or those writing in for them, want to share the good news about all the offerings, services and facilities that Huawei are providing when it comes to the...
Can you name another single company that is working across all these areas and can pull Products and Services from their Product Range to provide solutions?
Hence - if you really want to know what's going to be happening over the next 5, 10 or 15 years, make sure you attend or watch events that Huawei are speaking or exhibiting at as you'll learn so much more than Product Launches and news items from other within the Technology Sector and MSM reporting on what is old news, products, services or possible developments....
Note - This article has been written by myself and contains the opinions of myself and not those of Huawei or any of it's subsidiaries. Also, no payment or benefits have been received from Huawei or their agencies to myself in respect of writing this article.
Ian Calvert is a Business Analyst and Consultant who works across the sectors of AI, CSR, Future of Work, Futurism, IIoT, IoT, Influence, Influencer Marketing, Mobile Technology, Reality Technology, Social Business, Social Influence, SDG, SDGs, Solar Energy, Smart Energy and Technology.
To learn more as to how Ian can help you and your business,?please connect with him here?and start planning to bring the Future into your business today.