Syed Chishti
Experienced Global Executive Leader, International Executive Manager, Safety and Security Independent Consultant
What a metaphor, “On the other hand, we recognise — because the strategy is inherently regional and Pakistan is geographically located at a critical nexus of a lot of different things — Pakistan is a fundamental part of the strategy,” Pakistan is critical for the US and China for the next century. Who-so-ever will establish its deep roots in Pakistan's socio-economic future will win the race. The US has misunderstood the role India is playing with Trump administration, the US can trust Pakistan against war on terrorism, but should not expect winning war against Afghanistan, as it's like day dreaming for occupation armies. So, let the US day-dream about winning a war against Afghan's. Britisher's failed, Russian's are still licking their wounds from their war against Afghan's in 1990's. Let the US Trump administration dream-on; Afghanistan thrives on war's against their homeland and lives on the spoils of war's against its homeland for centuries. Dream-on America until another century or so!