“The Surprise!” 7-6-2022
·??????Yesterday a message was posted about a surprise birthday recognition on the ship “Harmony of the Seas” in 2019 and a celebration in 2020. But, yesterday, some of my family went over the top.
·??????Most of the day was relatively quiet, but later on I was picked up and taken to Olive Garden for what was preconceived to be a dinner with a few family members.
·??????Lo and behold, they had done the whole nine yards, even to the point of inviting a few of my friends. It was absolutely wonderful!!!
·???????Since my birthday was not over until the clock struck a second past twelve midnight, my celebration continued. Praise God! It was the surprise of my life.
·??????The outpouring of loved expressed was so overwhelming that I was in shock and almost felt numb; it almost felt like a dream! Yet, it was the best dream, and I am still in wonder of how God used so many people to express their love and best wishes to me as I reached my “Major Milestone”
·??????Not only am I thanking my family and friends for expressing their love to me last night, but I also thank each and all of you on Facebook, Messenger and Message who showed your love through your comments and likes.
·??????This is the beginning of an amazing new start for me. To you who are no longer physically in my life, there is a saying: “Absence make the heart grow fonder” I will say it like this: “Absence from those who are no longer physically in my life has made my love for you grow deeper.” Our love will never grow cold, no matter where we may be.
Thanks again to each of you awesome people that God has placed in my life. Not to leave anyone, but special thanks are noteworthy of those in my family pulled this surprise over on me.
Forever Grateful ~ Betty A. Burnett