Angel Tears for Healing? 5-9-2022

·??????There are many things going on with ministers today that are questionable if they were called into ministry or if they are saved. One of my nieces and I had a conversation about all the evil that is going on in the world and in the church.

·??????God has sent me different places for quite a few years, including churches and in my office as a prophetess, they were to be warned and corrected (Ephesians 4:11). Some of the other places were cults. It was necessary for me to get firsthand information as to what they were about. I also searched for information through other resources.?

·??????The next few messages will pertain to the church and how Satan has been allowed to come in through various ways by deception. Remember, he presents himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Satan does not appear as the man with horns, a pitchfork and a tail on the Red Devil lye can.

·??????As a child of God, we should be aware of what Satan is doing in the church, because there some so called pastors, false prophets, and false teachers who say they have been sent by God, but they are liars. These people come in to manipulate and seduce the people into believing and looking up to them by their charisma and charm.

·??????Some people are caught up in this nonsense. They get their praise and shout on when they hear a whoop, and this satisfies them. However, principles should be taught, so the children of God can grow into maturity.?

·??????Some of you may not have heard of angel tears, but a minister was having a tent meeting, and he was interviewed on a local TV station in the city where I resided.

·??????When I saw the man being interviewed, immediately I said: “He’s a false prophet,” Later that evening?a friend and I went out riding and it was in the area where the tent meeting was. The friend suggested that we go there and see what was going on.

·??????So, I parked with hesitation, and we went into the tent. The minister was supposed to be there for people to get healed from whatever infirmities they had. Some people were there from a church with which I was familiar.

·??????The tent meeting was supposed to be a healing service. But they also selling angel tears, that was said to have healing powers. Why would he need to sell angels tears if he were there to minister healing? Absurd! How can somebody bottle any kind of tears?

·??????When it was time for the offering, he promoted the angel tears. He was asking for one-hundred dollars for a small bottle of tears. People were pulling cash money out of their pockets and others were writing checks. And one of the people at the tent meeting who wrote a check was a pastor.

·??????This upset me so bad that I felt like jumping on the stage and telling those people that they were fools because the man was a false prophet. But I knew they would not listen to me. I went away sad because of how ignorant they were.

·??????The Lord has sent me and others to open the eyes of people; that they will know what or who is from Him; they will be mature enough to know who or what is good or evil (Hebrews 5:12).

Just doing what I’ve been called to do ~ Betty A. Burnett


