Our God is Amazing! Answered Prayers 11-8-2020
So many people are thankful for the change that will be for the better (at least for a season). The reason I said season is because according to the Word of God, the closer we get to Jesus Christ’s return, the more the demonic activity will increase.
Jesus Christ said these things must come to past: wars and rumors of wars; nation will rise against nation (this is one of the worst of the demonic assaults (races of people against different races of people); and kingdom against kingdom (countries), famines, pestilences (that coronavirus is a pestilence for real) and earthquakes in different places (the weather pattern is unusual – different catastrophic storms, one after the other). Matthew 24:4-7
We are certainly living in the last days and they are evil; especially when people who profess to be born-again agree with evil. That is to be expected with the unsaved but is not to be for people who profess to be born-again.
Many people think that because the verses in Matthew 7:7-8 say: Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Or they may say Lord, You said: If You ask anything in My name, I will do it (John 14:14). That is not the end of that statement. The same John who wrote this verse is the same John who all the books of John, which includes: If you anything according to His will, He will do it (1 John 5:14-15).
There is a great difference in these two scriptures; one’s life must be in line with the Word of God for this to happen.
That is the reason I write in my messages that you cannot single out a scripture, it is like a stand-alone. Studying is searching out the whole counsel of God, as some say, connecting all the dots. For clearer understanding scriptures are confirmed as they connect, relate, and support other scriptures.
These are some reasons prayers why prayers are not answered: If you have regard iniquity in your heart -Psalm 66:18 (malice, evil) in a certain area the Lord will not answer your prayers. All of us have certain issues in areas that we need to deal with.
This is one that I am just beginning to understand, when it says regard iniquity, I thought that God would not hear any of our prayers. If you who had evil motives and the wrong attitudes in a particular area, God did not answer that prayer. Example: Praying for God to cause something bad to happen to somebody is evil.
For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks (Luke 6:45b); saying something evil about someone is what is in your heart.
If we must wait until we are one hundred percent right, none of our prayers would be answered, that is the reason we need to keep pressing toward the high call of God in Christ (Philippians 3:14).
Praying with the wrong motive or attitude (your attitude affects your altitude) – Do not pray like the hypocrites; they pray to be seen or they use vain repetitions (Matthew 6:5-6). They even hindered others with their hypocrisy by shutting up the kingdom of heaven in peoples’ faces (Matthew 23:13).
Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your hearts be glad when he stumbles; unless the Lord sees it and it displeases Him, and He turns away His wrath (anger) from him (Proverbs 24:17-18). Ouch! Watch out!
Thank God for you who prayed 1st Timothy 2:1-4. You prayed for those in authority because you were concerned about their souls. Love will provoke us to pray for everybody, because all of us need to remember that is by the grace of God that we are what we are (1 Corinthians 15:10).
God gives space/grace for repentance, yet as with all of us, if we do not deal with sin, God exposes the evil hearts. By the way, if anything changes, God still heard your prayers (Psalm 66:19). Be not dismayed what ever betides (happens), God will take care of You!
Next: Evil Exposed – 11-9-2020 Back to the Church at Galatia in a few days.
Unshackled ~ Betty A. Burnett