Kremena Kirilova / Кремена Кирилова
Organizational Conflict Specialist, Educator, Psychologist
Is this is a Scottish Bagpipe? No! This is Bulgarian Gaida! One of the most famous Bulgarian folk instruments is the bagpipe. The Bulgarian bagpipe is called ‘Gaida’. The gaida structure and appearance is pretty similar to the Scottish bagpipe, but it makes much deeper and lower sound. Gaida is considered one of the national instruments in Bulgaria and is made primary of fruit wood like plum, cherry, etc. It is very popular in the country and is included in many performance and holiday celebrations. There is almost always a gaida player in a folk ensemble. Its sound is cosmic and unmistakable. A Bulgarian folk song “Izlial e Delio haidutin” performed by Valia Balkanska was recorded in 1968 and is a part of the Voyager Golden Record which is a selection of songs that were launched into space. A Bulgarian bagpipe and a Bulgarian female vocalist were chosen to collaborate with the music of Beethoven, Bach and Mozart to go into outer space. To search and give a powerful and peaceful message to foreign civilizations. The Gaida is not only popular for its magical sound, but also for keeping the Bulgarian spirit together. It is an integral part of the culture and traditions of Bulgarian people for more than 13 centuries. You can hear and enjoy gaida’s delighted sounds during your trip with us whilst experiencing exquisite Bulgarian food with some of the best Bulgarian wines. This is an experience of a life time! Hear for yourself: