HTTP/3 vs. HTTP/2: 3 Major Points Driving the Shift

HTTP/2 was a huge leap forward with multiplexing and header compression, but HTTP/3 is taking over thanks to these improvements:

1. Faster Connection Establishment:

? HTTP/2 runs over TCP, which requires a multi-step handshake that adds latency.

? HTTP/3 uses QUIC (over UDP) with 0-RTT handshakes, reducing connection setup times dramatically.

2. Elimination of Head-of-Line Blocking:

? HTTP/2 suffers from head-of-line blocking—even with multiplexing, a delayed packet can stall other streams.

? HTTP/3 leverages QUIC’s independent streams, ensuring that delays in one stream don’t affect others.

3. Improved Resilience to Packet Loss:

? HTTP/2’s reliance on TCP means even minor packet loss can stall all traffic.

? HTTP/3 recovers more gracefully from packet loss, leading to smoother performance on unstable networks.

With these enhancements, HTTP/3 is rapidly becoming the preferred protocol for modern web applications—delivering faster, more reliable, and secure experiences.?


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