HTTP Response Headers
Piotr Klepuszewski
Director General @ CyberSentinelSolutionsLTD | Kali Linux Expert
HTTP response headers are crucial for managing the behaviour of HTTP requests and responses between clients and servers. Below is a breakdown of common HTTP response headers and their functions:
1. Protocol
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
2. Access-Control-*
CORS headers used for cross-origin requests.
3. Server
Software used by the server to handle requests.
4. Connection
Header to tell the client to keep the TCP connection open or close.
5. Date
When the response was sent.
6. Last-Modified
Content of this response was changed at the mentioned time.
7. Content-Encoding
Indicates if the response body is compressed.
8. Content-Type
MIME type of the response body.
9. Content-Length
Length of the response body in bytes.
10. Set-Cookie
Response wants to set cookies.
11. Expires
Response should be cached, and if the client wants to re-request, it should be done after this time.
12. Vary
Server tells the client that if headers mentioned in this header change, then the response may vary.
13. Transfer-Encoding
If 'chunked', then it means data is divided into chunks, and later responses will have later chunks.
Understanding these headers is essential for debugging, optimising, and securing HTTP communication.