HTML 5 is Awesome!
Robert Junior SIMUSHI
Founder/Managing Director at Diligent Consultancy and Training Limited | PhD Student - Computing and Data Science | Rotarian
HTML 5 is a tool that is not only important to developers but anyone that deals with editing of data online like bloggers-who have the opportunity to write their content using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and presenting it in their own way as opposed to the options provided by the content management system they would be using.
HTML 5 is a standard markup language that is used to describe the structure of content that is found in a web page. Anyone who wishes to embark on a career or indeed someone who is just passionate about developing websites or web applications should look at HTML 5 as the starting point of that journey. It is a language (not a programming language!) that is key for anyone building online communication applications for businesses and organisations.
Since inception, HTML has undergone numerous revisions, therefore HTML 5 is the most recent version which is adopted and accepted by the major web browsers such as Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera. This version of HTML is powerful and rich, thanks to the many benefits it offers to web designers and developers. Below we outline the major features that make this language a ‘must know’ language for anyone who wants to develop for the web.
Bye Bye plugins!
Using HTML 5, it is possible to design web pages that will allow visitors of a web page to stream videos and audios without the need of flush plugins. A plugin is a small application that is integrated with another application (web browser in this discussion) to extend its functionalities. For example before HTML 5 was introduced, it was not possible to view multimedia content live videos, animation or audio without the usage of a plugin, hence people where forced to download plugins to add them to their browsers which had its own security challenges and concerns (talk for another day!). In addition to addressing the security concerns, the absence of these 3rd party software (plugins) enhances connection speed and gadget batteries lasts longer too because the number of applications that need to run to watch a video is reduced (just a browser and no plugin).
Single web page for all devices!
HTML 5 was developed with a mobile first, adaptive and responsive approach first. This is to say that with HTML 5 one is able to design a web page that creates a consistent web experience across multiple devices such as smart phones, tablets and desktops or laptops, hence providing an improved user experience (UX) for visitors of a page.
Interaction with HTML?
HTML 5 has some really awesome features that help make web designing relatively easy thanks to some interesting capabilities including; multiples form elements allowing you to design all sorts of forms for collecting data online from visitors of a page, interactive features such as drag and drop, cross-browser compatibility, support for vector graphics and offline capabilities.
For anyone who wishes to embark on an exciting journey of designing websites, developing web applications and mobile applications - yes you head right mobile applications, then HTML 5 is something you need to learn today!