This is the equation that 苹果 co-founder Steve Wozniak offered for finding happiness: Happiness = Smiles - Frowns

Does this formula resonate with you?

I used to be a relatively anxious and uptight person. During that period, I was constantly worried that I was not maximising my time, maybe because I was afraid that I would live a life of regrets. I hated being unproductive hence I was ruthless towards people who were not 'effective' and 'efficient' (according to my standards). Entrepreneurship 'toughened' me even more.


However, even after all that, I did not think that I was better.

I was not at peace.

What does it take to be happy?

I think it can be closely linked to our life stages.

Let me give you an illustration:

  • When we are a baby, being fed on time makes us happy.
  • When we are three years old, having new toys makes us happy.
  • When we are ten years old, playing with our friends makes us happy.
  • When we are fifteen years old, doing well for school makes us happy.
  • When we are twenty, having someone to love us makes us happy.
  • When we are twenty-five, getting our dream job makes us happy.
  • When we are thirty, getting that promotion makes us happy.
  • When we are forty, having our own time makes us happy.
  • When we are fifity, being able to contribute makes us happy.
  • When we are sixty, being healthy makes us happy.
  • When we are seventy, being mobile makes us happy.
  • ...

The first step to happiness is to be present in the moment.

Being present is more than just enjoying the moment, it can also mean that we acknowledge (be grateful) how far we have come, and we are aware of our needs at the current moment so that we can set realistic expectations for ourselves.

The second step to happiness doing more of things that bring us joy.

Prioritisation and delegation are skills to master at this juncture. Also, remember that you cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people around you :D

At this point, it can be helpful if we are reminded that sometimes there will be stages that we find more challenging and dreadful during the process. Doing something we love does not always mean enjoying every moment. For example,

  • I love to teach but I may not necessarily like creating presentation decks
  • I love to stay in shape but I still need to drag myself to the gym on tired days

The third step to happiness is cultivating this mindset:

Doing your aboslute best and embrace all outcomes.

Doing our best does not always mean that we get what we want. However, if we do not do our best, we will probably be miserable with ourselves.

Last but not least, develop meaningful relationships.

Do I even need to elaborate on this?

So, does the formula resonate with me?

Well, from a mathematical standpoint, it looks simple to understand. However, I may not want to measure my happiness in the form of a checklist, and not in terms of plus and minus to get a net score.

I believe my life is more than that.

What about you?

Becoming Irreplaceable aims to empower fellow professionals to build sustainable and meaningful careers, this is definitely one way for us to increase our own happiness index! It is really about taking the control back.



