Glaize Basile
CEO AVANTCAM. Spécialisé en ressources et systèmes pour la post prod, le labo, et la logistique numérique des medias. Importateur exclusif de la gamme BLUESHAPE en production tv et film (batteries /chargeurs/accessoires)
L'Equipe HS-ART propose dés aujourd'hui la version 10 de DIAMANT.
Dont voici (en Anglais) les premières informations :
DIAMANT-Film Suite V10 from our well-known solution for automatic, semi-automatic and interactive film & video restoration, cleaning and repair. New Video Tutorials
Please check out our video tutorials on our YouTube channel
What′s New in DIAMANT-Film Restoration V10
In V10 we have integrated a lot of new features which will make film restoration easier and faster.
- Many GUI improvements, better UHD monitor support, new icon set, ...
- Any ROI can be tracked now
- New DWarp mode with tracking. See video tutorial for demonstration.
- IR Cleaner has been simplified and new dust repair method has been added
- Scratch filter improved
- Clone has got a new auto align feature
- New ReGrain / Grain Overlay methods
- New RenderManager for advanced background rendering and batch rendering
- DIAMANT-Film Restoration has opened up for 3rd party restoration filters utilizing a new powerful OpenFX integration as well as integration of selected and well known film treatment products. Among them are:
- Dark Energy?: Fast and reliable high quality noise reduction for video and film. This option can be ordered as add-on from HS-ART.
- BaseLight: Workflow integration of the world’s leading high end system for color grading, color management and finishing.
- NeatVideo: OpenFX integration of the well-known and cost effective plug-in, extremely effective on reduction of digital noise.
- And many more. See Whats New in DIAMANT_V10 for more information
Coming soon
We are constantly further developing our restoration solutions.
- New de-stain filter
- New DIAMANT-Video Restoration Edition
- New dropout corrections
- New repair functions
- New DIAMANT-Video Converter powered by Tachyon?